View Full Version : Panic during the night seems worse

Mrs worryworm
11-02-15, 02:27
I went to bed a few hours ago with a slightly sore stomach but wasn't overly bothered by it. I woke up about half an hour ago with trapped wind, then had to go toilet. I now have goosebumps, aches and pains, shivery etc

I feel like if this suddenly gets worse then what am I gonna do as no one will hear me or be interested in helping me as they all know I have HA

I heard a story earlier about a 30 year old woman who died suddenly after having an infection in her psoriasis. She left behind 1 year old twins. Ever since I heard this I can feel the blood poisoning fears coming creeping back.

I'm a bit of a skin picker, hair plucker, spot squeezer anyway thanks to my OCD and my mum has told me for years to stop picking or I'd end up with septicaemia. I feel like this is inevitable and my mums going to be saying I told you so and after years of worrying about rubbish I actually do end up on deaths door with something that could have been avoided.

Sorry this just turned into a rant but I briefly forgot about my sore stomach while I was typing so there you go

12-02-15, 19:07
yes, panic at night sucks!!! It actually seems like its amplified.. and thoughts and worry swirl around your head.. just try and relax.. ive been through it so much.. the other night i almost stated laughing at myself.. :whistles: hope ur feeling better!