View Full Version : fears changing from day to day now it's my head

11-02-15, 16:39
Hi guys so my health worries are changing almost daily but doing the same rounds, one day it's dvt, next pe next my head then heart, and round it goes, today I'm worried about my head, since a few weeks before Xmas my house has had none stop bugs and colds etc we can't shift it, by the time one bug has finished it's rounds we've got another, so iv been congested and had sinus issues on and off for a while, today my nose is pretty congested and a bit painful and Saturday I had a slightly painful ear nothing to bad and by sat night my kids had bad earache, well I keep getting this pressure type feeling just below my temple on the same side as my bad ear although my ear isn't that bad infact I'd say it's ok now apart from a bit of pressure in there, well the pain and pressure type feeling just below my temple is bothering me :( I had it a few months ago too when i was well so Im worried it's nothing to do with my ear or being poorly at the moment, any one else get the same thing in the same place? It's a sensation like something pushing if that makes sense I'm ever so worried about it :( please don't scare me :( xx

11-02-15, 17:09
I know how u feel hun I get a different fear everyday pretty much the same as yours I deff think it to do with fact your under the weather

11-02-15, 18:43
thank you for your reply hun, im trying not to stress but its hard :( amazing isn't it how worries can change so quickly but return equally as quickly xx

12-02-15, 12:54
I know I mean I can go from dvt to pe to heart attack to something else in a week yet each time I believe from the bottom of my heart its real im 24 and a mum of 2 it is petrifying I miss my old life :(

12-02-15, 16:42
exactly the same here hun :( but when im on to the next fear I can see the fear I just had and got passed was silly until it hits again then its 100% believable again! im 28 and a mum of 2 as well hun, I miss being care free more then anything :( xxx

12-02-15, 20:14
we sound exactly the same like at the moment im convinced beyond belief I have myocarditis ( rare heart thing) literally cried all day but my hubby said not a dvt today then I was like don't be ridiculous! iv had this four years since I lost both grandparents and had a missed miscarriage at 3 months id give anything to go back

12-02-15, 20:48
Yep I know how that feels. In the last fortnight I've had stomach cancer, bowel cancer, liver cancer and heart problems. Dread to think what it will be next.

13-02-15, 08:05
my fears change are usually monthly changes... it started with thinking that I had a STD(i blame this for my hypo.) then in order: thyroid c, breast c, lipoma, oral c, throat c, lymphoma(the last three are the utmost worstest of the worst) thinking about oral c, throat c and lymphoma are the worst because there are so many pictures online that you SIMPLY CANNOT HELP BUT LOOK AT THOSE PICS. also our oral and throat anatomies are so confusing that you cannot tell the difference between a normal throat/mouth and one thats screwed up.

13-02-15, 13:49
it is so weird hearing other people say the same as how I feel it is so lonely my hubby trys but it gone on so long he finds it amusing now which scares me that one day I might be right and he wont take me seriously
im convinced im going to die suddenly and im petrified spent last 2 days in tears desperate to go to hospital but know I cant run there everytime

13-02-15, 15:27
@tiredofthis14 that is exactly how i felt. I felt that people wouldnt take it seriously enough and i had told them that if something really horrible happened to me, theyd be on their knees.

13-02-15, 17:47
I say that ! I say I get scared incase im right and they say oh maybe we should of listened

13-02-15, 17:47
tiredofthis14 I know how you feel hun this bout of health anxiety started after I had a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks at the end of December, until then id of been health anxiety free for about 18 months :( im currently worried about my heart, earlier it was dvt, :( im wanting to go hospital as I feel awful but il try get passed it :( xx

conkers12 horrible isn't it and just so screwed up how quickly it can change :( it take sone pain and im worried about the worst case scenario for that pain instead of just taking it as a random pain, that's impossible at the moment :( xx

plscomeandhelp it really does feel like no one takes you seriously and its a worry that someone will miss something when something really is wrong :( xx

14-02-15, 11:59
I feel same hun I'm convinced something wrong with heart I'm desperate to go to the hospital but my family won't let me because they know I won't believe them anyway I can't stop crying I just want to be normal funny how quickly life can chang

14-02-15, 17:52
@tiredofthis14 , well ive had health anxiety for a year and since different things keep popping up, i dont know whether or not I should go see a doctor because one thing comes up, then it subsides, then another thing, then it subsides. its just a endless train wreck. I did, however, go to the doctors last month to get a normal check up and blood results and all came back normal,...but now this issue im having is like past that. I did talk to him about the health anxiety and he gave me a lecture about how everything is fine and that im just 19 to enjoy life and all, but something just doesnt feel right.