View Full Version : Convinced I have pancreatic Cancer

12-02-15, 00:01
So, here goes. It started the Tuesday before last when I began feeling a slight, sharp pain near the bottom of my breastbone on the left hand side. I tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. It wasn't continuous and would only happen a few times a day but I would notice every time it happened. That was the only symptom I was feeling until Friday when I had a terrible bowel movement. My poop (sorry, it's about to get quite personal) was a mustard color and very mushy. I left work early because I wasn't feeling well.

That night, I did not feel well. By abdomen started to ping with aches and my back began to hurt. I was coming down with a fever and found out on Saturday that I had the flu. I had a cough and a stuffy nose. By this time, I began having diarrhea, a yellow oily color. Sunday was more or less the same, except my flu symptoms began improving.

Come Monday, my flu symptoms were almost non existent but my stomach issues were still there. I alternated between yellow, oily diarrhea and the yellow mustard mush. My diet the whole weekend was soup and turkey sandwiches, so doodling think it was the food I was eating. Tuesday the flu symptoms were gone but my stomach problems were still there, still yellow and still either completely water or a mushy mess.

Today, Wednesday, during work I had two terrible bowel movements. The first were small solid-ish pieces but they were not yellow. They weren't brown either, they were awfully light. Not exactly white or gray but I would say someway halfway between that and yellow. The second one was a yellow, frothy liquid. This evening has been yellow meshes that floated and the toilet looked a bit oily.

I'm freaking it because all these signs point towards pancreatic cancer. My stomach pains have become almost non existent for the past few days (extremely mild if any) and instead there have been times of intense stomach gurgling. My backf pains are still here, they seem worse when I am sitting and are rarely there when standing or moving around. My biggest problem are my bowel movements because of there color and consistency ( yellow water or yellow mush). I'm a wreck, I can't concentrate or pay attending without worrying about PC.

I have an appointment with a gastro in two weeks (earliest I could get) but I know my mind would settle between now and then. Am I just freaking out? Are these signs pointing towards PC or something else? Idk, I just want this to stop :weep: any help would be much appreciated.

12-02-15, 14:40
Far from a pro on the subject, but I seriously doubt cancer symptoms would pop up out of the blue like this.

Sudden symptoms, fever and diarrhea... sounds like a bad stomach bug to me. Getting it checked by a gastro is definitely the right thing to do, especially if strange-colored stools go on for long, but in my opinion it really is just a bug since you did get sick and had a fever and all.

13-02-15, 20:26
Thank you for your reply.

I agree with you, it probably is not cancer, as the symptoms came quite out of the blue.

I went to my primary yesterday and he was concerned that the diarrhea lasted this long. He instructed me to continue fluid intake and also had me do blood work. Just waiting on the results, hopefully they shed some light on the whole situation.

03-12-15, 15:22
Joe, I am wondering if you found anything else out after your blood tests/ meeting with gastro? I have been having some similar symptoms and PC fear

03-12-15, 15:56
How old are you, thinkerJoe?

Nevermind, I found out you are 22 years old. At your age, you're twice as likely to die by getting struck by a lightning in a stormy day or drowning in the bathtube than being diagnosed with something like this. You should definitely not be worrying about this at your age, cases of pancreatic cancer at your age are not just rare, but exceptional and almost virtually unheard of.

13-06-19, 19:31
Pretty damn worried myself and fearful of PC. I seem to have so many symptoms: light brown/pale loose stools, some weight loss, gas, bloating, raised liver enzymes.

Anyone in the same boat?

01-07-19, 15:40
Shotta287 I'm in the same boat........what are your symptoms and how long have you had them ?

01-07-19, 15:55
Shotta287 I'm in the same boat........what are your symptoms and how long have you had them ?
Since around March. See my recent posts. I’ve got many worries though. Symptoms range from weight loss, up and down bowel movements, elevated liver enzymes.
