View Full Version : Strange gnawing/stabbing pain in chest/throat

12-02-15, 10:33
Hi guys

Yesterday I started getting this strange gnawing/stabbing pain in my chest/throat. It comes and goes and feels a little bit like if you that little pain in your chest from running really really fast! Its kind of hard to pin point where it is and the pain kind of radiates into the front of my skull!

Does this sound dodgy or is it anxiety? My boyfriend said anxiety and I think it is, but my HA is bad again at the moment and I am getting triggered and worried by everything.

To make matters worse I have noticed a large bruise on my back an I can't remember knocking myself for of course that is fuelling more cancer fears!


14-02-15, 15:48
Just to say this has totally gone now. It must have been anxiety! Had it for a few days then it totally went. Panic over (about this at least lol)