View Full Version : Does anxiety can cause cancer

12-02-15, 12:45
I have been battling health anxiety since 15 years. All this years i came to know that, anxiety symptoms are harmless and it will not kill you. What i know is that, Cancer is caused by toxins from the Carcinogenic chemicals, bacteria, second hand smokes, household chemicals, food chemicals etc. Fear Cannot cause cancer. What about anxiety. Will anxiety can cause cancer.

12-02-15, 14:27
Never heard of it, and I highly doubt the natural hormones your body produces from anxiety would be carcinogenic so I don't see any way anxiety could cause cancer.

12-02-15, 14:33
I have never heard of any studies showing that anxiety can cause cancer. Anxiety can't cause cancer according to current medical knowledge.

12-02-15, 21:54
Cancer requires an activator to flick the switch to the on position according to epigenetics.

So, if anxiety did, wouldn't a lot of us have cancer? It would present itself to our doctors for them to make the link.

Anxiety puts stress on the body but so does exercise, work, etc but there is no link there either.

13-02-15, 00:44
Anxiety is a normal bodily function and necessary to protect the human species from danger. I think the human race would have been wiped out a long time ago if anxiety itself caused cancer. It's not the anxiety that causes cancer but the actions of people to the stress that causes it in non threatening situations like too much alcohol ,over eating and smoking. There are environmental and other triggers but non are linked to anxiety. X

14-02-15, 07:21
Thanks everyone for removing the doubt, as it has given a big relief. But unfortunately now, I got into another trap & started to obsess that, depression can cause cancer. I know it is irrational fear, but how to come out of this trap. As i have been battling the health anxiety since 15 years & never been to depression but sometimes you get depressed. The same rule of anxiety also applies to depression also.