View Full Version : costochondritis!!

12-02-15, 14:26
Anybody been told they have this?

12-02-15, 14:58
Yep, mine is from an injury from a time I did martial arts. Nothing to worry about, but depending on the case it can be a pain (literally) to deal with. Mine was from trauma, but it can be from an infection or simply like "chest arthritis". Literally means rib-cartilage-inflamation.

NSAIDs, ice and physio helped, and now I only get very occasional pain on the right side of my sternum. It used to make a loud "crack" when I sneezed too! Nothing really special to it, so I definitely hope you're not worried over this too much ;)

12-02-15, 15:11
I haven't been told i have this but a few people have mentioned that it could be what i have. I have a strained feeling in my front right side under ribs which feels the same in my back at the same height. Where my sternum ends and my ribs branch out the bone feels really tender on the right. It hurts if i cough/strain/bend over etc in those areas.

13-02-15, 01:12
Yes, I'm not sure if it's something that comes and goes or something that just flares up every now and then, but for the most part I'm fine. Every so often, though, the pain comes and it can be awful.

It's scary because it's chest pain and sometimes it can be painful to get a full breath. It's totally harmless, though! Sometimes my pain will even end up on my side or my back; totally normal as the nerves go all the way around.

I've been to my doc a few times and he just says to take Aleve, try some heat on it, and wait for it to pass. I think once I found out it wasn't harmful it was a lot easier to bear, but sometimes the pain can be irritating.

16-02-15, 10:47
I have been reading a lot about this. I had an accident lots of years ago an about 6 months ago i started to feels a kind of mild pain/ discomfort in my right ribs just where I hit them and broke a couple. I am starting to think is this Costochondritis but i havent got proper diagnose to take some medication. It turns better when i put Voltaren or heat or even cold... its really annoying