View Full Version : Feel such a failure

12-02-15, 17:00
Just need to say it. Feel like I have no one in real life I can say it to and the words are screaming round my head, Fighting back tears I can't show as they will scare my son and I can't put anymore on him. Have been trying and failing to sort out finances, work and general household chores. Feel paralysed. I used to be capable and able to deal with anything. Hate the person I've become and just want it all to stop.

12-02-15, 18:47
Have you seen anyone in regards to this? Your not a failure at all, your just a normal person who is struggling, we are not perfect.
With regards to finances have you seen a financial advisor, there are so many things out there to help people struggling financially. Do not feel ashamed to utilise this! ! Welcome to NMP hun

12-02-15, 19:57
You are NOT a failure at all, I understand how you would feel this as I have been there myself. The truth is though that you are not well so should not feel guilty that you are not functioning so well at the moment. Don't be hard on yourself, jut do what you can without pushing yourself and try to get some help with other things.

12-02-15, 21:31
Just need to say it. Feel like I have no one in real life I can say it to and the words are screaming round my head, Fighting back tears I can't show as they will scare my son and I can't put anymore on him. Have been trying and failing to sort out finances, work and general household chores. Feel paralysed. I used to be capable and able to deal with anything. Hate the person I've become and just want it all to stop.
That's funny, you just listed one problem but four things you are immensely proud of. You outweighed the bad with the good by 400% in one paragraph. And you weren't even trying.

If I wore a hat, I'd take it off to you. "Unconscious awesomeness" is the best kind.

Anxiety is accompanied by the symptoms of stress. When they reach a certain level, they most definitely can seem to paralyse you. There's a sense of futility in facing a problem that you think you can't handle. Have you considered that you might need a break? It's obviously not that simple, but I'm not talking about going to Easter Island, I just meant making time in your day for yourself, maybe when your son is in bed and the house is quiet. Don't worry about the chores for one day, sod the chores, unless your life would be totally obnoxious if you didn't do them (eg if your living room looks like someone drove a herd of wildebeest through it, or there are strange, short hairs on the bathroom floor).

Prioritise only the things that MUST be done immediately, then put the rest off for a day. I have been in relationships with single mums (not saying that's your situation btw) and I know how very difficult this advice is to accept. You've been thinking about everyone else for so long, you do not know how to think about yourself.

The Imperial Inquisition will not teleport into your house to arrest you for deviancy if you fail to do non-critical chores for a day or two. You are free to choose. Exercise that freedom.