View Full Version : Quick question about the MMR vaccine + GP appointment

12-02-15, 17:51
I didn't have the MMR vaccine when I was a baby (1995) due to my mum worrying about that study that was disproved. I had mumps when I was a kid I think, but am now worried, as I'm not protected against measles. I know it's rare, but do you think I should ask my GP about it, or is it not necessary.

Also I had a GP appointment on Tuesday and she basically just said my symptoms were too wide ranging to be anything but anxiety. Plus they wouldn't come and go, and that if it were something like cancer, wouldn't I think it would have progressed a lot more over a year.
You have no idea how much I want to believe this. Of course I don't want to keep going to the GP and it's not like I want to waste money on tests that other people could benefit more. I don't want to have a serious illness. It just bothers me I guess that I keep reoccurringly feeling unwell in some aspect, and unlike all my friends who occasionally get ill but feel dandy the whole time and go clubbing and drink and eat terribly and don't get adequate sleep, yet I can't even go without water or walk too fast down the road without feeling like I'm dying.
This is all in my head?
I just keep wondering why, if there's a chance I have something, that no tests are being done? And if I stop feeling ill does that mean the anxiety has gone? Well surely then what was wrong is that I had a medical problem that then fuelled anxiety. Not anxiety that fuels a medical problem.
I'm just living my life in uttermost effort to ignore every pain, sickness and ailment now and it's still the same. Surely that's not anxiety?

13-02-15, 15:32
I had the MMR at 36 years old, I dont see why you shouldnt have it and it will protect you against Measles. I know how you feel about visiting the Dr and coming away feeling like you have had the brush off. Ask your GP what she suggests to help you with your anxiety seeing as she thinks that what your symptoms are. Good luck :)