View Full Version : Kalms

12-02-15, 22:08
Just wondering if anyone has tried kalms. I managed to convince myself that I had a brain tumour, as I kep going light headed and felt off balance. After 2 eye tests and an MRI on my head have been given the all clear and the ENT consultant suggested anxiety. I'm also awaiting blood test results to check whether I'm peri menopausal. I have been given setraline by GP but didn't like how they made me feel. Someone has suggested Kalms. The thing is I still feel slightly off balance and worth about it even though I know the MRI was clear. I seem to be in a perpetual vicious circle. Help.

12-02-15, 22:12
Hello, I have tried Kalms, actually used it for few months. They really helped for a long time but recently I realized they were not enough anymore. I was resisting to anti-depressants but I thought I have no other choice and started using sertraline and propranolol. It's been a week so they haven't kicked in yet.

12-02-15, 23:09
Try them, they might work.
I did once take (when I was 15 or 16) a whole blister pack in about 10 minutes and nothing happened, so you might need something a bit stronger if you want to go down that route. Definitely talk to your doctor.

13-02-15, 00:31
I find they helped when my anxiety suddenly flared up as I was at the airport about to fly. No way was I getting on that plane but bought some as a last resort and took a few not expecting them to do anything tbh. Really helped calm me down enough to take the flight. My husband then took some to help him do an interview presentation and he took a few too many and fell asleep afterwards lol. He got the job :) x