View Full Version : Enchanced CPA (Care Package Approach)

14-01-07, 20:01
Hey i have a query about the Care Pack Approach (CPA) in relation to those who suffer severe anxiety problems.

I suffer from severe chronic anxiety, agoraphobia and panic attack and find it hard to leave the house unaccompanied, i was awarded lower rate mobility disability living allowance for this.

However since this things have got worse i have had 3 recent suicide attempts requiring hospitalisation and also been diagnosed with a personality disorder, and recently awarded middle rate care of disability living allowance on the grounds of continual supervision...

I am a service user of the community mental health team and was advised by my GP that i would be put onto an enchanced CPA, but i was incorrectly told that its only for physically disabled, where in fact its for those with mental health problems who need health and social needs.

I think the care co-ordinator got mixed up with the community care assessment, although becaused im disabled im still required an assessment under section 47(2) of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990, this has also been failed, what do i do, i was let down by a CMHT before and disengaged with treatement resulting in my condition worsening and i am considering the same now.

It never ceases to amaze me how some people still are quite prejudice of the mental health system and in fact the Enchanced CPA could help me, thats why its there for after all.

Please help.

14-01-07, 21:00
Hi Tremont

Sorry to hear that you have been going through such a tough time recently. It is hard enough coping day to day without dealing with all this red tape too.

I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your question but I do believe that anyone who has been in hospital for a mental health problem is automatically placed on an enhanced CPA. I've just been discharged from an Eating Disorder Unit after a 3 month stay and I've been told I'm on enhanced CPA too. I don't really understand the difference between the two.

Could your GP help if the CMHT are not being very helpful here? Your care coordinator should be the one to sort all this out for you and I hope it is resolved soon.


14-01-07, 21:11
There is more information here (http://www.mind.org.uk/Information/Factsheets/Community+care/Community+Care+2+-+The+Care+Programme+Approach.htm#The%20Care%20Prog ramme%20Approach%20(CPA)) that you might find helpful.


14-01-07, 21:22
I also found this information (http://www.rethink.org/living_with_mental_illness/rights_and_laws/rights_to_care_treatment/care_in_the_community/the_care_plan.html) too.

Hope some of this helps.


15-01-07, 10:11
hi sorry to hear you having a tough time just now

I am going to the hospital this wednesday to discuss my CPA - so will let you any info I find out that may help you

........life is for living not just for surviving

15-01-07, 14:38
Thanks for all your help i really appreciate it.

Went to my doctors and he orginally said last time i would be put onto it once i'm with the CMHT and i'm currently not, i previously disengaged from another CMHT and i feel history repeating.

According to the Department of Health, the enhanced CPA guideline include people who are likely to harm themselves or others....i've had several suicide attempts mostly requiring hospital admission and another one of the guideline is for those who are likely to disengage from service and also those who have multiple care needs, all of which i fit into so im amazed the failure has occured.

Im standing my ground on this one, there can be no compromise on this and to be honest it's making my anxiety worse, on another note after all my suicide attempts, most of which recent, there was no risk assessment and if there was any i wasnt a part of it which strikes me as odd. i had just the usual tests, gave my details etc went sleep, woke up and off home. I dont wanna get into the nhs incompetent debate but jesus come on lol.