View Full Version : who know the different between bone, muscle,and nerve pain

13-02-15, 00:01
I have some pain a little left side of my tail bone for few days now. Don't know the pain is muscle or bone or nerve pain.is anybody know the different.

14-02-15, 00:02
The joints and muscles are closely interlinked and all served by nerves. It would need someone to palpate the area to tell. Generally if the pain travels down the leg for example it's likely to be nerve causing sciatica , if it's more of an ache probably muscle and if it feels really deep and sharp it could be joint . If you've had it a while apply some heat or if it's come on suddenly ice pack 15 mins every hour if comfortable then heat after a few days. If it persists see a therapist x

14-02-15, 01:57
Thanks Angethe pain come aand go. Is definitely not a shape pain.I will try ice pack and heat see will help. Thanks again.