View Full Version : Convinced it is Bladder cancer...

13-02-15, 00:08
:scared15:I don't know what to do.

I keep needing to pee.

All the time. And when I do go, regardless of how much I have drunk, it is an excessive amount. Currently the doctors have got blood tests booked to rule out diabetes, but I'm scared it is worse than that.

I had a kidney scan and she said that they were the normal size with no growths or apparent damage, but I have got to make another appointment for a bladder scan.

I had a bladder scan about 6 years ago and they said it was inflamed, but no tumours.

What if they find something at this scan? I'm petrified.

My lower back and bladder has started to ache. I feel like I need to pee all the time.

They have ruled out an infection with 3 different samples.


13-02-15, 00:22
I used to have something called PBS painful bladder syndrome or overactive bladder years ago. Sounds very similar to what you are describing. It settled down on its own in the end x

13-02-15, 00:33
So you don't think I've got a huge tumour sitting down there pressing on my back and making me pee all the time?

Would a tumour have shown up in blood tests?

I'm so scared :,(

Part of me really doesn't want to have the scan because if they find something, then what? How do you even begin to process news like that?