View Full Version : Fear of lightning

13-02-15, 10:10
Guys I have a question I'm slightly astrophobic slighly meaning if I see the lightening at a far distance it doesn't scare me unless its right near my house car etc, today I was I picking up some groceries from a store and as I headed back out to the car park to get into my car there was an almighty blinding flash from the lightning I immediately got in my car and drove home, as i went to take out the key out of the ignition my hand went a bit tingly, now would you say that had anything to do with the lightning or do you think as I worked myself up it was part of my anxiety? I was petrified and now I'm thinking maybe the lighing hit the car and I felt it though my hand? Or maybe not!! I'm confused and worried , thanks in advance if anyone can make me feel better I've been doing well lately and today this has cause my anxiety to flare up yet again :(