View Full Version : sinking feeling!!!

13-02-15, 10:53
Does anybody else get this or know what causes it?
I get it when I am standing sometimes but also when I am sitting.
I feel like I am dropping/sinking.
Sometimes it makes my stomach churn as if being on a fairground round that suddenly drops.
It worries me when it happens as I don't know why its happening...it just happens out of the blue but leaves me feeling panicy.

13-02-15, 13:39
I keep getting this :-( I work on the 12th floor and everytime I get out of the lift it happens for around 5 minutes after.
I think it's to do with my ears!

13-02-15, 13:41
Yes I do and it's one of my worse and most frequent and longest duration symptoms!

I've had this for 2 and a half years... I get the sinking feeling like a lift has dropped. I also can feel like I'm walking on marshmallows...

I also get zaps where I will be stood there or sat and I feel like I suddenly drop and it sends tingles down my arms :( it's horrible...

I think a lot of it is down to tension...

13-02-15, 13:43
I did wonder if it was to do with my ears, as my balance feels off at times as well, and I get a feeling of fullness in my ears like pressure.


13-02-15, 15:53
I get th weird ear sensation as well... I've had balance testing and seen 2 ENTs and neurosurgeons and had 2 MRIs about my issues and they've all said its anxiety as they can't find anything physically wrong with me

13-02-15, 18:41
A Classic symptom of anxiety... its a rush of adrenaline in your body, often accompanied by palpitations/heat fluttering. Not harmful at all. This will pass as your anxiety gets better.
