View Full Version : Breathlessness and being aware of one's breath.

13-02-15, 12:15
Since my recent flair up of anxiety last December, I have periodically been getting the symptom of struggling, or at least the illusion of, taking in enough air.

Now, I am aware this is basically Anxiety 101, and I am not dying or indeed there is anything actually wrong with me.* It's just the frequency and duration of the episodes seem to be increasing, and this is despite me being aware of the situation, and attempting to address by controlled breathing.

Over the last 24hrs for example, I was halfway through my yoga class, and it started. Which is surprising given the setting, and I thought I was breathing ok as part of the practice. This time it passed after 20 mins, but enough to kick off a minor anxiety attack.

This morning has been more troubling. I woke up at 7am, and more or less constantly since then I am aware of my breathing, and feel like I am not taking in enough/breathing correctly. It's getting quite tiresome, if I am being honest.

It seems, despite my best efforts, it seems to be getting worse. As such, looking for some tips. Does anyone have any tips to smash this particular annoyance into submission? I'm looking for the mental weapon equivalent of a piece of wood with a nail in the end :ohmy:

*Well, apart from my body gleefully sabotaging itself.