View Full Version : The fear of a horrible disease! Anyone relate?!

14-01-07, 22:46
Hi all.

Before I tell you that state I'm in, I need to explain what kind of December I had as its impossible to it isn't connected.

In December after lots of planning:
1. I got married to my partner
This meant:
A - I Saw my brother for the first time in 7 years (and had a big emotional to-do with him over him not being my best man)
B - I saw my parents (which is a very traumatic experience for me - something I've only recently started doing again after many years)
C - It was in fact the first time in nearly 25 years that my whole family were in a room together at the same time

2. I had my first Christmas with my daughter (I should probably explain that I had her with an incredibly close friend of mine. She is not my partner - I'm gay)

3. We celebrated my daughter's first birthday a few days after Christmas

Now you can all imagine the enormity of getting married. And of seeing my parents (believe me when I tell you the story there is long and hardcore). I hope some of you can relate to the idea that sometimes even the good things in life kind of hit you hard. I have spent the last year feeling overwhelmed by my daughter. I am totally in love with her and in fact I think there is a side of me that strongly feels I don't deserve this blessing. I think I feel the same about my partner. But what I'm trying to say is that while Christmas and her first birthday were nothing but wonderful, I think emotionally I am just overwhelmed.

So ok, that's enough set up. If anyone's still awake.

A few days after the wedding (middle of December), I started getting pains in my left arm. I would wake up with it numb (pins and needles through to very very numb) having slept on it. I'd move and it would be fine in a minute. As I have blood pressure and heart issues (one of the roots of my anxiety), I went to see my GP to rule out my heart as the cause which he did.

But then I started noticing small little patches of kind of tingling in my right hand. A couple of fingers or a spuare inch on the back of my hand. I'd also get weird tight sensations at various points in my arm.

I did the worst thing I could. I looked up the symptom on the net. Oh deary me.

At first I was concerned it was an oncoming stroke. Then I realized there is no such symptom. At least not one that last for several days (laughing at myself as I type that). But then I saw that tingling and numbness is one of the first signs of MS.

Now this stuck. The worry that I could have MS became all consuming (as my sudden irrational health fears tend to). I continuously looked up MS signs and symptoms. None of which I had.

Then I got what felt like a cold in my left eye. Just a bit of itchyness and a bit of blurryness that would go away when I rubbed it. My vision seemed slightly weird and yet seemed normal at the same time (only a hypochondriac can understand that one!) Hence I started continuously testing my sight by putting a hand over one eye and then the other one. 3 or 4 days on and my left eye feels fine but I feel like I'm seeing lots of transparent dots and stars - almost the effect one gets after staring at the sun or something really bright. I have discovered that the vision in my left eye is actually a bit blurry - I can't easily read really small print that I can with my right (which I think is probably just age as opposed to something acute). Again my vision seems weird and yet it really doesn't at the same time. Certain rooms seem kind of darker than I expect them to be. And all I keep focusing on the transparent dots rather than what I'm looking at. This is all freaking me out but none of this is actually eye symptoms one gets with MS!

This behaviour and the pattern of doing this after a stressful period is so perfectly me. I understand that, I recognize that. When I've thought I was having a heart attack, when I thought I had HIV, when I thought I was going deaf or had hyperacusis - it all turned out to be anxiety. I have a friend with MS who I spoke to and she doesn't think I have any real grounds to worry about MS on. Why can'

14-01-07, 23:01
I think if you read this forum, you will see we are all suffering the same!! So far this year, in my head, I have had lymphoma, MS, BSE and multiple other illnesses. According to blood tests, however, I am perfectly healthy - exceptionally so, apparently!! I think maybe you do as I do and concnetrate on worrying about your health rather than all the other things you could be worrying about. Also for me, I know ti is related to a feeling of everything is going so well in my life at the moment that the only thing that could spoil it would be my ill health...

Try and enjoy your daughter and your new marriage - not easy, I know, but really try and savour every minute and take time to fully appreciate the good things!

14-01-07, 23:02
I had/have these exact same symptoms!!! Sometimes they are worse than others. Just to make you feel better I had two MRI's of the brain for MS, both negative. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

14-01-07, 23:33
Hi Chris,

Firstly, congratulations on your marriage! That and your beautiful daughter are, as you say, a wonderful blessing - which you do deserve!

Onto the MS. Most likely all symptoms are anxiety related. You can see the pattern, and know this, but are unable to dismiss the thoughts.

We all worry about some dreadful disease, and then we go on red alert to see if we develop symptoms. We focus on any little thing, seeing it as evidence that we have the dreaded disease. Once I am in this state I find in virtually impossible to think I don't have it until it is proven to me that I don't. In the last 2-3 years I have had two abdominal ultrasounds, 2 chest x-rays, gastroscopy, throat looked down with camera, blood tests for various things and probably more I have forgotten about. All OK. But at the time I was convinced I had cancer in all the various places.

I am now in a state over hiv. The evidence is very against the possibility, but I cannot forget it. I had a negative test 2 weeks after the event, but I have to wait another 7 weeks before I can get tested again to make sure (3 month window) and I dont know how I will get through. Even though I keep persuading myself I am OK, and with reassurance from the other party.

The thought of having a life-threatening disease is so awful, and your mind races and runs a film in your head showing you with the disease! Its very difficult to break out of.

There are many long-term ways of dealing - CBT, exercise, self-help groups. And short-term, we have each other here! We are all suffering in a similar way, and it does help to know that there are others out there having similar problems.

I am sure you are fine, but go to DRs if symptoms persist! Also get your eyes tested.

I have had same symptoms with sleeping and getting a 'dead arm' and also strange vision., the latter common in anxiety I think.

Take care,


15-01-07, 00:30
I've been to the emergency room 6 plus times I've had MRI's At the worst I would swear that Iwas having a heart attack or stroke. Then I would check the sysmtoms on line. Last time that I checked for signs of a heart attack was 3 days ago. You are not alone. Nor am I since finding this site. I just found this place yesterday. Let me tell you, just being able to read other stories, makes it feel better. I'm not alone, there is a whole community out here that understands.



15-01-07, 01:43
All I can say is that I can totally relate to everything you have said. I cannot even count how many times I have been convinced that I have MS. If not MS, then its something else. My anxiety was also triggered by a heart issue. What was the issue with your heart?