View Full Version : Work related stress

Purple Fish
13-02-15, 13:18
Ok, so I've battled depression and anxiety since 2006 and I've now been off meds since 2011. I still worry, I still get stressed etc but I now understand that this is normal everyday life and we all get it.

I've had a 'blip' recently though. Changes at work (new manager), bitchiness, back stabbing etc probably stuff that we all have had to deal with at work on occasions. Well it's taken it's toll. It's effected other members of staff, one of which is also off sick for the same reason and although we have had meetings with the Human Resources team it hasn't improved. I just felt like I needed 'time out' so I did! I went sick on the 27th Jan and I'm due to go back on the 18th Feb so I've definitely had my break. It's been lovely I must say! I did see a doctor who signed me off with work stress.

It hasn't helped that we no longer have much to do with our so-called friends after some crossed words last year and unfortunately the man is a manager at my workplace (who hasn't contacted me once since I've been off, or asked anyone if I'm ok).

I've however now found out who my REAL friends are in all this as they have either been round to see me or messaged me to check that I'm ok. I do seem to follow a pattern when I am under stress which isn't good as i tend to eat more and search extremely morbid stuff on line (this time it was the Malaysian plane crash, which I can't get out of my head!). Some of the images they put on line of these disasters amaze me as to how they get on there! It could tip anyone over the edge!

Anyway I am gearing myself up to going back to work and to be strong! I have lot's of support when I'm there and when I'm home so I know I can do this!!

Thanks for reading this long post!!

13-02-15, 13:27
The longer you stay away the harder it is to go back,good luck I am sure you will be ok and settle in again

Purple Fish
14-02-15, 11:37
The longer you stay away the harder it is to go back,good luck I am sure you will be ok and settle in again

Thank you :)

14-02-15, 12:31
Good luck! You got this :)

Purple Fish
16-02-15, 19:21
Not sure if I will be going back to work this Wednesday. Have had a setback today. Our heating boiler broke down today even though we got it fixed today it cost over £200.I could feel the stress building up what with thinking about work and stuff then managed to get a migraine. I get the visual disturbance then the pain so I've been in bed since 4pm. Still getting the odd palpitation too. Not sure whether to ring the doctor tomorrow.

16-02-15, 20:20
Go back when your ready and not before ,you will only end up having more time off