View Full Version : I've hit rock bottom/emergency blacklisted

13-02-15, 19:59
Hi guys/girls,

I haven't posted in over a month, I had convinced myself I didn't have anxiety and that there was something wrong with me. I am currently getting really bad vertigo which made me go in to see a doctor again. He told me that I had been to the hospital emergency room 17 times in 32 days which included 4 hospitals. Blood work for everything you could imagine was done ct scans of my head and chest, holtor monitors , chest x rays, stress test, stool test, urine test, lyme disease test arthritis and pretty much every other test. I told the doctor about my burning tongue sensation or how I have vertigo lately and how I feel unbalanced. He said he is going to send me to a neurologist and hes sending me for a brain mri and spinal mri and after that he said I have to promise him to go on anti anxiety medication. I guess its just so hard to believe that all of these symptoms can be anxiety!! Im not anxious....but then again I am anxious about my health it seems!!! Its a horrible cycle. He said that my symptoms could be from MS or from a pinched nerve but he said after these tests if they com back negative I literally have a perfectly clean bill of health. I am hoping that I don't haave any diseases and tht maybe this is just anxiety to the max, I really hope it is. Here are my symptoms since this is a symptom forum:\

Burning tongue sensation
no reflex's in any of my tendents that they would test
shortness of breath randomly
heart palpitations
my joint and finger tips hurt but there is no arthritis
facial pain on one side of my face in the sinus area
jaw pain
stiff neck
VERTIGO!!!! everything spins, the doctors have taken my license away

I could really go on forever with little symptoms like

toe sometimes feels on fire
legs feel weak
dreaming like crazy at night

anywaysssssssssssssssss its hard to admit anxiety but I guess anxiety is just the word they gave it, if I could give it a word it would be ' my body is failing me someone please fix me" disorder or " everyday its a new symptom" disorder or "your all wrong keep digging for the answer" disorder

I have seen 15 doctors all of which are not bothered by my symptoms, 1 internal medicine and I have a GP who looks at me like im nuts but I just know there is something going on!!!! Anyways a promise is a promise and if these mri's come back normal....its on to the medication I go....apparently only for a 6 months to let my body reboot itself from always thinking negatively.

14-02-15, 12:08
This is wonderful news, it shows you really are healthy.
I understand its hard but try the medication. Nothing will happen to your body in 6 months.
15 doctors and multiple tests will not be wrong. You had top of the range tests done. You will be ok!

14-02-15, 19:04
If you have had all those tests by all those doctors and they are normal, I would try the anxiety meds