View Full Version : new here, and a bit scared...

14-02-15, 09:00
hello, i came across this forum doing a bit of searching on the evil google....but good i found this site...
ive been having some odd symptoms lately thats been really bothering me to the point where its actually starting to emotionally depress me to the point i just want to cry sometimes....over the last few months i have noticed, that my body seems to be changing.
first major sign, i fell, and when i fell i landed on my right hand and it went backwards, and twisted...and ive been trying to recuperate it for a while now. i did go to the ER and they said it was not broken, but the joints were swollen, and or injured. i really wasnt happy with my doctor there. he barely spent 5 mins with me, or gave me time to ask questions...i do now have a pt with my normal doctor, this monday tho....but the thing with my wrist and arm is not getting any better.
when i twist my arm/wrist when my arm is strait or even slightly bent, i can feel the bone? popping or something in there popping.sometimes it even feels like i have to pop somthing back into place. it swells up in the joint, and to me when i feel it, it feels like, mooshy rocks....does that make sense? my hand is week, and sometimes the swelling makes my first two fingers tingle. i try to keep it wrapped, because without the support the pain just shoots thru my arm, so bad. my doctor has had me on t4 to help with the pain and swelling...but its not just my arm concerning me.
ive always been a bit of a clutz. xD my doctor joking said when i was a teen i should be put in a padded room so i dont hurt myself. lol but lately, things have taken a whole new level....im dropping things...constantly...breaking dishes now, dropping ice cubes when i get them from the freezer, and this is using my "good" arm. and im noticing im getting forgetful, or sometimes i just cant say whats in my head, like its there, but it wont come out. and im having pretty bad temperature tolerance....touching an ice cube burns. cold, just makes me feel like im sitting in a freezer.....and im in florida....and even when it gets mildly warm, i feel like i am sitting in an oven! i hate it! i am on valium 5 for my anxiety.
its been really bad this passed year and a half to the point, where i could shower, and smell like sweat 5 mins later...so ive been using strong deoderant with combo of baby powder. but also a newer sign popping up is the stiffness in my heels....when i get up in the morning or been sitting for a long time, its like they hurt soooooo bad, and are so stiff to move. so i hobble around till they warm up and i can move. :( and i have pain in my hip joints at time and my lower back.
i am also on meds for blood pressure, and my stomach, my tummy always had issues since i was a kid. and i lately i keep getting so dizzy, like the room is spinning i could pass out.
could be a result of me being on t4 for so long? most of these issues have been going on since i even started the meds. my clumsyness has reached new levels, to where i have hit my head on the trunk lick putting groceries in my car, to hitting my head when i lean back up from feeding our dog. im always finding bruises, or tripping over my over feet.
some have told me it seems similar to fibromiagia, to ms, to osteoporosis....i do get headaches, a lot, sometimes even migrains. during the summer i went thru an issue with my ears, where i had ear infections that put my hearing at risk and spent the entire summer on antibiotics and ear drops. one ear was really bad, at risk of bursting. the other just a infection that wont go away.
i want to talk to my doctor about all these things, but my mom will be with me because she will be driving because my meds and my arm...and i dont want to scare her. we dont have ins for me, and medicaid is taking FOR EV ER to get back to me.....
im sorry this is so long and it is my first post here...but to be honest there is not many other people i can really tell my fears or concerns too. i feel like i complain so much from the pain, and i am a burden on my parents. it makes me upset and depressed. i have also been having bladder issues on top of all this....ive NEVER had this type of issue until the last month or so.
like where, i wake up, and i have to pee, and i almost pee and have to jump up out of bed to rush to the potty. and this morning i failed.....horribly embarrassing to say on a public forum....but its all apart of the new symptoms....please tell me someone....anyone i am not alone in these aches and pains and issues...i know arthritis and heart issues run in my family. among other things. at one point someone even asked me if i had lupus. because i am so tired all the time, or i look pale and get anemic and moody.
again i am sorry this is so long....but to be honest it felt good to type this all out to get my worries out..:emot-crying:

i left out that i am dyslexic, and OCD

14-02-15, 22:08
Hi there

You don't say how old you are but I am assuming you are quite young and, therefore, it is less likely you have something serious. However, I do think it would be a good idea for you to discuss your symptoms fully with your doctor and surely you could ask your mum to wait outside for you. Either way she is probably worried anyway and wants answers just as you do. If you can possibly see a neurologist that would be great but I know it is difficult where you have to pay for these tests. We are very lucky in that respect in the UK. I do hope you manage to get things sorted out soon so that you will be less anxious.