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14-02-15, 14:57
Sensations on my leg or sometimes both legs also my face. Sometimes on and off numbness and tingling. My legs and body goes hot and cold. Today woke up and right leg is tingling or feels cold and achy. Im so scared HA has been awful recently!!

14-02-15, 15:49
What symptoms of MS do you have? I can't see the rationship between the title and the content.

14-02-15, 16:40
Tingling or numbness :(

14-02-15, 17:08
It's on/off and moves around. MS can't do this. The criteria for doctors to even consider looking for MS is symptoms being "isolated in time and space". The fact that yours are isolated in neither time nor space tells you everything you need to know.

The actual list of symptoms is of very limited relevance for MS, as it can cause just about any bodily sensation (albeit some more common than others). Rather, it's the pattern of symptoms that matters. Even if you had a pattern compatible with anything nasty you still probably wouldn't have it (benign causes of these symptoms such as anxiety are far, far more common), but you don't.

Don't take my word for it, ask your doctor. Then ask him to refer you somewhere that will help you sort out that anxiety and get on with your life. :)

14-02-15, 17:38
The key statement is saying you're fearing this "yet again". The answer lies in the fact that it wasn't all the other times nor is it now.

Positive thoughts

14-02-15, 18:51
Some of my sensations are on and off. My legs and arms feel like i have double clothing on like tights. Like sensory is different. Feel like shaved my legs all the time and that feeling against your clothes you get, if that make sense lol.

14-02-15, 20:15
I know that shaved legs feeling!

I have the symptoms you've listed and even more. I've seen a neuro this week who said there is nothing at all to worry about & she sees so many people per week who have these neurological symptoms which often have no explanation!

I've got to go for an MRI soon but her exact words were 'I'm not looking for anything at all other than a brain. I'm certain it's clear but I want to put your mind at ease'

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

Oh and if you're a lady like myself the neuro said its more common for women to get odd unexplained neuro symptoms as she gets many a week!

14-02-15, 20:46
Im glad someone gets what i mean lol. Feel like my leg is always wet not numb just sometimes feels like cold and water dripping down it.

15-02-15, 16:18
Since anxiety does anyone else get pins and meedles quicker? I lean on my arm for 5mins and tingles already! :(

15-02-15, 17:52
I get pins and needles in bed every single night, just by lying on the arm my hand goes pins and needles, if i lay on my back and bend elbow my hand also goes pins and needles, this is of both hands and have had this on and off for something like 1.5-2 years.

Also had it before when sitting gaming, my foot has gone pins and needles and I;m not even sat on my leg just on my ass.

15-02-15, 19:26
Same :( worse since flight back from australia but that was 3 months ago. My legs get so cold too.

15-02-15, 19:27
Do you get cold hands or fingers also? could it be from poor flow of blood? thats my current idea and not one to worry over much.

16-02-15, 18:35
My hands are usally hot. My legs and toes though are cold with thick socks on and ugg boots. Keep getting buzzing size of my thumb in my thigh on and off every 5 mins or half hour.