View Full Version : What triggers your panic attacks?

14-02-15, 15:53
What triggers mine is cardio exercise, not being near a hospital or not knowing where there is one, hangovers and sleep in people's houses.:scared10:

15-02-15, 13:16
Why nobody answers, I though we could all share what triggers our panic attacks to find the root of the problem and try and deal with different types of triggers Anybody interested?

15-02-15, 18:31
It's the Fear and worry leading up to something that does it for me. An event, appointment, meeting, Holiday.
And, my over-obsessing and thoughts; I also worry about the future, being alone, the process of dying; having a car crash ending up in Hospital, having a Heart Attack or becoming disabled; constantly goes through my head. (I've spent a lot of time around sick people and it has affected me too much.)
And, going to bed is a issue, as I don't think I will wake up!?!

15-02-15, 22:14
Any new symptoms that I cannot explain right away, and watching movies or tv shows with people suffering or dying from illnesses.

16-02-15, 09:33
Not quite sure, but any symptoms I can't figure out seem to be one trigger. Each morning is Hell, as I have turned morning anxiety into a habit. I have been reassured by my doctors, only to question everything they say. I've been trying the Claire Weekes method of trying to "let the panic flash and accept it" idea. It's so frustrating and makes me angry. Until I can learn to stop fighting it, I will suffer.

16-02-15, 13:58
As soon as I lose something (that's as soon as I get up in a morning) I say allowed
I AM OFF!!!! Cannot help it!