View Full Version : HPV oral Cancer

14-02-15, 19:11
Hi all.

I contracted geniral warts from a previous relationship over 10 years ago. I only had 2 small warts and left them - I still have them now.

My current partner who I'm now with, had an abnormal smear teat not long after we were together and had to have a colposcopy - which she doesn't remember much about or is hesitant to talk about it.

Over the past nine years or so, her smears have all been normal.

My questions are now I have HA , I'm concerned that I have passed the virus to her hence her abnormal snear and I have infected my mouth with a high risk strain due to oral sex

My mouth woes are a main concern - is it possible ? And if so how would it present in the mouth ?


14-02-15, 19:57
Well it is possible as oral cancer can be caused by Hpv virus however it is very rare. In most cases body washes off the virus itself in 2 years. In very rare cases high strain hpv stays in the body causes precancerous cells which may turn to cancerous cells but like I said, extremely rare and it takes many many years for this to happen. Don't examine your mouth and try to find cancer, you won't be able to, you might not even got the virus. As far as I know, there is no smear test for mouth. Stay away from alcohol, don't smoke and maintain a good oral hygiene. And don't google.

14-02-15, 20:03
Thanks for your reply

Am I right in saying that if my partners last 3 smears have been normal the she doesn't have a high risk strain ?

14-02-15, 20:30
Well what I didn't understand is when did she have an abnormal smear, is it recent? If her last smear is normal it means she no longer has hpv. High risk hpv strains don't cause genital warts.

14-02-15, 20:37
Her abnormal snear was about. 8 years ago. All
Smears since have been normal. I'm
Sure I've read though that you can have a normal smear and have high risk hpv.

Surely after 9 years, if she dd have hpv it would have caused cell changes or could she have built up immunity to it herself but could still hold the virus and pass it on to my mouth ?

14-02-15, 20:48
How old is she? They test for hpv in women older than 30 now. Yes you're right in 9 years there would be some cell changes. I don't think that's possible now her smears are normal. I don't think you have anything to worry about :) One abnormal smears years ago is nothing :)

14-02-15, 20:51
She is 37 her last snear was 2 years ago. Would they test for HPV though if your test was normal ? Also I keep maybe imaging warts in my mouth and any cur or sore whether it be from trauma, I freak out - am I being over dramatic with all this and is it the beasty HA kicking in ?

15-02-15, 02:48
Well thwy automatically test for hpv regardless of smear result once you reach 30. Warts mean low risk hpv it has nothing to do with cancer.

15-02-15, 11:49
Thanks again
My concern is that a I might have infects her with more than one strain. I know the genital war strain doesn't cause cancer but other stains do. She has never mentioned that she has warts but why was her smear all them years ago abnormal. Could she stil fave the high risk strain but it not show on her smear and therefore pass it on to my mouth ?

I'm really concerned about this as I keep in feeling the odd bump here and there in my mouth. I had dentists look in my mouth and say all is fine but I can't seem to shake this fear

---------- Post added at 08:28 ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 ----------

Anyone ? I have 2 pink lumps behind my top teeth on the gum - dentist have said theyre nothing to worry about but I'm thinking they could be warts

---------- Post added at 11:49 ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 ----------

Really could do with some more advice please

15-02-15, 13:52
Really could do with some more advice please

Thing is J, many, including myself have given advice and reassurance and you just gloss over it as if nothing was said, ask the same question again or move onto something else :shrug:

I had oral cancer HPV+. In a woman, they can identify a high risk situation. There is no way to do that in a man. Oral cancer doesn't typically present the way you describe.

Rather than continuing to chase a diagnosis, it would be in your best interest to treat the illness you do have.

Good luck to you and positive thoughts

15-02-15, 14:03
Thanks for your reply

I'm concerned though that I may have passed a high strain to her and then got it in my mouth. She is reluctant to talk about it and I'm really concerned. I can feel something on my tongue and the roof of my mouth has lumps and sores on it .

Another question I is could the low risk genital wart strain cause an abnormal mild / moderate dysplasi result or is it only the high risk strains that cause this ?


15-02-15, 14:55
Thanks for your reply

I'm concerned though that I may have passed a high strain to her and then got it in my mouth.

:doh: You just affirmed my last post. Good luck to you and positive thoughts... I'm out! :lac:

15-02-15, 15:07
No, forget about genital warts, they do not cause anything but warts. Most women have one abnormal smear in their lives. I had an abnormal smear and high risk hpv back in September. I had oral cancer fears both for myself and for my fiancee. I saw 2 ENT specialists both said I'm fine and I moved on. My fiancee isn't worried either.

If you look for lumps and bumps you wil find them. I thought my salivary glands were tumors. I thought tonsil stones are a bad sign. They aren't. You don't know what is normal and what is not when you look into your mouth but dentists do, so trust them.

There is no tests for oral hpv so you have to accept that you cannot know for sure and you cannot control this. The chances of you having oral cancer is low, very very low. Otherwise every men would get it, like I said most women have one abnormal results in their lives.

The only advice I can give is buy some 100% pure oregano oil, dilute in coconut oil, put it under your tongue and hold for 10 mins and then spit it out. They say oregano oil is antiviral and might work killing hpv. At least it can give you some relief and like I said before, stay away from alcohol and don't smoke. Hope you feel better soon.

15-02-15, 15:47
Thanks again

Is it possible for me to be infected with more than one strain though and would the wart low risk strain cause dysplasia ?


15-02-15, 16:18
I feel like you're not even reading what we are saying. Well yes it is possible to be infected by more than one strain. Low strain hpv doesn't cause dysplasia no. It only causes warts.

15-02-15, 16:22
So the chances are that I was infected with more than one strain for her smear to come back with dysplasia ?

15-02-15, 16:24
There is a chance, but very very low. Your body probably washed the virus off already.

15-02-15, 17:47
Why would my body have washed the virus off ? I still have the warts bus able.

I'm just really worried that her abnormal smear has been caused by a high risk strain I have passed to her and now I have in my mouth.

I read that she could still have the hong strain type and have a normal smear - I'm really worried as u have symptoms I'm my mouth xxx

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

Is it possible for my girlfriend to phone he GP and ask if she was tested for HPV with her recent smear tests as I understand it's only checked for if you have an abnormal result


15-02-15, 18:31
No like I said before once a woman reaches 30 they also test for hpv even though the smear is normal. I wrote this before, I don't know if you read it but please read what I wrote carefully, I said in most cases (more than 90%) the body washes the virus off by itself, I don't know why because it is how it is. I don't think you have symptoms in your mouth, and your dentist said you're fine.

15-02-15, 18:50
Thanks once again - it's appreciated

I've asked my girlfriend whether they tested for HPV and she wasn't sure - she is refusing to talk about it for some reason. If they had detected a high strain of HPV would she have more regular smears / like every six months ?

I keep on feeling new things in my mouth - I know the HA is making my hyper vigilant but I can feel things on the roof of my mouth and I have a small flap of skin I can feel with my tongue but no dentist can see and I'm
Thinking that's a wart - am I over reacting ? I also have what one dentist said was a skin tag but all other dentists have said it's normal anatomy - really worried

15-02-15, 19:01
Yes I think you are overreacting and no if the smear is normal even there is hpv they do the smear in 3 years. I think you should distract yourself and try not to think about this.

15-02-15, 19:49
I've just read something interesting. If you share a strain of the virus with a partner then you cannot be reinfected elsewhere with that strain as your body would have built up a tolerance to it - does that sound right ?

---------- Post added at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ----------

Yes I think you are overreacting and no if the smear is normal even there is hpv they do the smear in 3 years. I think you should distract yourself and try not to think about this.

I thought you said if smears had been normal then no hpv would be present ?

15-02-15, 20:30
No I have hpv but my smear didn't show any dysplasia.

15-02-15, 20:36
How old is she? They test for hpv in women older than 30 now. Yes you're right in 9 years there would be some cell changes. I don't think that's possible now her smears are normal. I don't think you have anything to worry about :) One abnormal smears years ago is nothing :)

I thought you meant if smear was normal than there wouldn't be any hov present ?

15-02-15, 20:39
No I didn't mean it, they test them both and if the results are normal it means there is no hpv. If there was hpv they would say your smear was normal but we detected hpv.

15-02-15, 20:44
Right - her last 3 smears she said have just been normal with no mention of hpv

She is going to ring her doctors and find out why her smear 10 years ago was abnormal.

I'm thinking now though even if they say it was a high strain hpv that caused the abnormality but it's not detected now, that I could have infected her then reinfected myself but her body has fought it of whereas mind hasn't

Would that be possible ?

15-02-15, 20:53
Nobody can know who infected who, even tests cannot detect it. It was a long time ago, according to smear results she no longer has the virus.

I said it before, you cannot know for sure if you have the virus, maybe you never even had it. I'm saying that it is a very very very low chance that it turns into cancer, most don't, most is flushed off by the body in 2 years.

15-02-15, 21:31
Would it be possible for her not have it but I have it ? I know I have geniral warts.

I'm just wondering if she flushed it but I still had it , could I reinfect her ?

15-02-15, 21:35
I don't know what you're trying to hear? I answered all your questions.

15-02-15, 21:43
Could she have flushed the virus years ago and me reinfect her?

15-02-15, 21:57
How could I know? Nobody can. It appears that she no longer has the virus, as she doesn't have it you probably don't have it too. I think I've done my best and that is enough for you to put your mind at rest. You are fine.

15-02-15, 22:00
Thank you

Still worrying though - I hate this HA

15-02-15, 23:17
I know, we are all on the same boat but we have to start somewhere to beat this HA.

16-02-15, 09:34
Girlfriend just phoned her doctors and they said her smear showed mild dysphasia and was referred to colposcopy clinic but only had another smear - no treatment. She was then checked every 6 months for a year and a half which were all clear. The receptionist didn't commented on the HPV and is getting a nurse to ring her back. Would a high strain cause mild dysplasia ?


16-02-15, 20:51
The nurse called back and said that all tests for HPV were negative. I take it they mean high strains as I know I have genital warts and would have passed a low strain on to my partner. Can I take it that this must mean that I don't have a high strain of HPV ?

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 18:30 ----------

Anyone ?

16-02-15, 21:46
Yes you can take you don't have a high strain hpv.

17-02-15, 16:21
Would it have been possible to contract from a previous relationship and still have it or would I have definetly passed it on to my current partner if I had it ?


---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:42 ----------

I've been with my current partner for 11 years

17-02-15, 16:26

You're just going around and around and around and around..... etc. etc. etc. Four pages worth of asking the same question won't get you the answer that will satisfy your dragon.

Positive thoughts

17-02-15, 16:27
What is the answer ?

17-02-15, 16:37
There is no answer. We can't know for sure if we have hpv and we can't know who we got it from. Whoever you ask these questions to won't be able to give you an answer. Even the best ENT specialist in the world. You have to accept the fact that you cannot control this and there is nothing you can do about this. I answered all your questions and I'm telling you oral cancer cause by hpv is very very rare, everybody is being infected with hpv but when you look at the statistics not even 1% of them is getting cancer. It is that rare. This is the only reassurance you can get from anyone.

17-02-15, 16:46

But if I did have a high strain from a previous relationship would I have definitely infected my current partner ?

17-02-15, 16:48
That's what I was talking about, I don't know, nobody can know.

17-02-15, 16:52
But surely if I had it I would have passed it in to her during the course of 11 years ?

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ----------

Yes you can take you don't have a high strain hpv.

Is this not true then ?

17-02-15, 18:26
Your body probably washed it off if you ever was infected with it.

17-02-15, 18:34
But if was surely I would have passed it to my current partner ?

17-02-15, 18:41
Well, hpv is a very common virus, almost every sexually active person has had it at some point but we can't say certainly you have passed it.

The point is, it doesn't matter, it probably will never be an issue for you anyway. I think you should stop asking questions and reread this thread a few times. I don't have anything different to tell you.

17-02-15, 18:42
Thanks but if I had it would my girlfriend Have caught it ?

17-02-15, 19:11
Ok... this is a joke now right? You can't be serious by asking the same question for going on for 5 pages! No one here can answer it.

Humorous thoughts

17-02-15, 19:31
But the chances are pretty high right ?

17-02-15, 19:59
But the chances are pretty high right ?

We're not medical professionals and can't answer your question on here. If you're really worried, I suggest you go and see your GP and talk it through with him/her. I haven't read all your posts on this thread so you may already have said this but are you getting help for your anxiety? If not, you should also discuss this with your GP.

By repeatedly asking the same question on here when no-one can answer will end up with members getting frustrated. We all like to help each other but some things need a professional opinion.
