View Full Version : Alcohol addiction help

Shapeshifting Lizard
15-02-15, 00:01
I've been drinking 60cl roughly vodka for like 6 months.
I do weird things like I just wander about the house randomly, and I'm a nuisance to my nan who's looking after me before I move. I start moaning and acting like a toddler cause I'm convinced I'm gonna have a fit. I used to see my dad having fits when I was looking after him.
I want to stop drinking but it's got out of control. I think random thoughts compulsively and they won't go away anymore. So I can't get to sleep. I'm desperate to sleep, but I can't do it.
There is a reason I'm drinking but I want to go into a proper detox where the nurses won't question me. I think I'm volatile and I'm going to have a tantrum or attack someone.

15-02-15, 12:40
Hi Lizard,

Is that 60 cl (600 ml) per day?

You know you you can't go on like that long-term.

Apart from your present problems, it will sometime start to attack parts of your body - maybe your liver, maybe your nerves, maybe your muscles, maybe all of these and more.

Talk to someone about getting treatment. Don't worry about what they might know - they've heard it all before.

Good luck.

15-02-15, 13:46
I was where you are a month ago and it's awful, especially when you're not getting enough sleep. I was really fortunate in that the Doctor allowed me a home detox under the supervision of my wife and I was given a valium taper. It would be well worth discussing this option if you have someone who can monitor your health during a detox. It's an awful place to be in, and it takes a while to get well again, but it does get better. Hang in there!

Shapeshifting Lizard
15-02-15, 21:31
I'm wondering if it's lack of sleep or not. I haven't slept for roughly 5 days. Now I need to be careful I'm not asking for confirmation (which I kind of am doing), but seriously, is that why I'm going so mad? I'm seriously worried I'm gonna do something absolutely crazy like hurt my granddad or smash my head into the drawers.

It's cool that you can ask for a proper home detox but my family's not in the right position. But at least you can

15-02-15, 21:39
Reading this thread has me seriously concerned for your safety and health as well as those around you. If you're in a state of mind to do so, I would admit yourself to a facility that can deal with the negative manifestations of your addiction issue and mental health.

Good luck and positive thoughts

Shapeshifting Lizard
15-02-15, 21:51
I've pretty much told my whole family. I want a detox immediately but the woman from the alcohol team said I need to get it down to 15cls a day. I want to go to hospital but they don't have the right drugs, they just have diazepam and when I went it barely did anything.

I just don't know if I can keep it together in a regular hospital. Plus they don't offer detoxes for the sake of them. And if I randomly ask to go to a real mental place do you know what'll happen? How do they control your detox?

I might not do this but yes I have seriously been considering calling the flipping services.

Shapeshifting Lizard
16-02-15, 19:54
Reading this thread has me seriously concerned for your safety and health as well as those around you. If you're in a state of mind to do so, I would admit yourself to a facility that can deal with the negative manifestations of your addiction issue and mental health.

Good luck and positive thoughts

I told the doctor what I told you today and they said it didn't require a crisis team; I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow if I can make it.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm having massive panic attacks; ironically it's hard to get information on the right way to treat them. I get shakes and horrible feelings even after I've had a drink so I've been convinced I was withdrawing... but that's not physically possible. I've had tantrums in the middle of the night so I can't sleep.

I started thinking I was gonna have fits... but it's never happened and everyone tells me it won't. So, don't know what to think. I started trying to sleep in the lounge against my granddad's permission cause I thought I'd be safer there.

If I can physically make it I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow, just hope I'll be compus mentus enough to tell him what's going on.

16-02-15, 20:06
I told the doctor what I told you today and they said it didn't require a crisis team; I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow if I can make it.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm having massive panic attacks; ironically it's hard to get information on the right way to treat them. I get shakes and horrible feelings even after I've had a drink so I've been convinced I was withdrawing... but that's not physically possible. I've had tantrums in the middle of the night so I can't sleep.

I started thinking I was gonna have fits... but it's never happened and everyone tells me it won't. So, don't know what to think. I started trying to sleep in the lounge against my granddad's permission cause I thought I'd be safer there.

If I can physically make it I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow, just hope I'll be compus mentus enough to tell him what's going on.

I'm glad you're seeking help.

Good luck and positive thoughts

17-02-15, 10:42
Good luck,

Focus on stopping symptoms you already have (eg panic, sleep problems) and don't worry about symptoms you don't have (eg fits).

Shapeshifting Lizard
24-02-15, 00:08
Good luck,

Focus on stopping symptoms you already have (eg panic, sleep problems) and don't worry about symptoms you don't have (eg fits).

Cheers. I don't really know what's up with me and I keep trying to diagnose myself on the internet, which I've been told not to flipping do. Problem is if I actually am going nuts I have no option, I can't talk to people properly and if I were to be admitted anywhere I'd be without the booze. Last time I went to my local hospital they only had diazepam and it did practically nothing, I signed myself out because I had delusions my mum was gonna walk off and leave me there. I couldn't eat or keep anything down (I have medication for that, basically my stomach lining is destroyed), and I woke up panicking, and when my mum took me to the doctors I absolutely freaked out, I physically couldn't move my hands, they were just locked in place. So I went to the hospital and it was like, bang, first ever withdrawal.

I've also been perscribed promethazine for sleep and it seems to be working but only been on it a few days.

---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

*I didn't mean 15cls in my last post I meant 15 units, like half a normal bottle of vodka.