View Full Version : Adrenaline!!!

15-02-15, 07:58
Does anyone have any suggestions for reducing adrenaline, as soon as I open my eyes I am aware of it.. I hate waking up...my stomach churns I sweat, my mind goes into overdrive, it is a horrible feeling.
I try to take deep breaths and relax but its really hard, so would really appreciate if anybody has any tips.
Thank you

15-02-15, 08:24
Adrenaline can be burned off with exercise or deep breathing techniques.

So, perhaps doing some exercise at that point may help you? The adrenaline is there because too much is being pumped but exercise causes it to be metabolised, otherwise it just hangs around in our in system for ages which is why after a panic attack you can feel anxiety for a long time afterwards because your body needs to use it up.

Regular exercise is useful too as it will help to regulate your hormones and brings other benefits in helping with anxiety and depression in general.

Make sure you are hydrated where possible as some adrenaline can be excreted through urine so the water will flush some out.

15-02-15, 08:52
Thank you for your reply,

I do struggle with exercise as I worry it will bring on more symptoms, sometimes when I rush around too much I get lightheaded, I know this is more likely to be to do with tension/stress but every little feeling sends me on a major anxiety trip.

I do know that lying in bed worrying doesn't help but I feel so tired when I wake up due to not sleeping well, I struggle to get motivated, even getting dressed feels like hard work some days.


15-02-15, 09:44
I know what you mean, I've been through my issues with any exercise at all and now I still need to work on hard exercise.

You just feel like sitting or lieing still because you don't want to bring it on more but it can be worse doing this and getting moving can help with the sensations. Just do gently and don't push yourself until you are ready.

Walking is sufficient though.

I think rushing around is partly exercise but also mental as we are in an alerted state and it just brings the anxiety on if we do too much. I definately know what you mean but mines under better control thesedays so I can calm this back down or it doesn't effect me as intensely anyway.

I know relaxation techniques are difficult in the situation but have you thought of trying Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) which is easier as you can just try to focus on the body movements.