View Full Version : Is your spleen always enlarged with leukaemia?

15-02-15, 13:35
I'm currently convinced that I have leukaemia, but had an abdo exam 1-2 weeks ago and my spleen wasn't enlarged. Does this mean I don't have leukamia?

15-02-15, 17:29

I currently have a leukemia fear so know how you are feeling.

With regards to your spleen I think if a Dr could just say your spleen is not swollen so you don't have leukemia then they wouldn't need to do blood counts etc.

I'm not trying to scare you, I don't think you have leukemia and I think if your spleen isn't swollen then that can only be a positive sign but like with many illnesses it's not that cut and dried. For example you could have a lump, the doctor can reassure you it doesn't feel like cancer but without a scan/biopsy they usually can't say for definite.

So I don't think you could 100% say to someone they didn't have it because their spleen wasn't swollen but having said that doctors know what they are looking for and if they thought for one second you could have it you'd be having a lot more tests.

take care

15-02-15, 17:40
Did you not ask this very same questions yesterday? what makes you think you have leukemia out of interest?

15-02-15, 18:35
Did you not ask this very same questions yesterday? what makes you think you have leukemia out of interest?

Petechiae, headaches and muscle aches :weep:

15-02-15, 19:14
Well I'm by no means an expert in Leukemia, but isnt petechaie a symptom you get in the latter stages of it? has a GP told you its petechiae? if not could it be a rash? could headache and muscle aches actually be from tension caused by worry?

Have you had a full blood count? or a test of your immunoglobulins? easy enough to have done and thats it ruled out....if you would have come on saying my white count is 10,000 my red count and platlets are in my boots then I'd say hell yes something is wrong, but if that was the case you would not be posting on the health anxiety boards surely.

Ill give you an example of health anxiety, I myself have strange symptoms and sensations then got tested for B12 in a blood test, it came out mjaor high instead of low - guess what it can be a sign of? yeah Blood cancers, I was not even worried about it seeing as I had been worrying non stop over a brain tumor for at least a whole year prior to this. I got sent to the blood specialist, who did a few blood tests felt my spleen and said no way do you have any blood cancers.

I left still worrying over the brain tumor.

15-02-15, 19:41
Well I'm by no means an expert in Leukemia, but isnt petechaie a symptom you get in the latter stages of it? has a GP told you its petechiae? if not could it be a rash? could headache and muscle aches actually be from tension caused by worry?

Have you had a full blood count? or a test of your immunoglobulins? easy enough to have done and thats it ruled out....if you would have come on saying my white count is 10,000 my red count and platlets are in my boots then I'd say hell yes something is wrong, but if that was the case you would not be posting on the health anxiety boards surely.

Ill give you an example of health anxiety, I myself have strange symptoms and sensations then got tested for B12 in a blood test, it came out mjaor high instead of low - guess what it can be a sign of? yeah Blood cancers, I was not even worried about it seeing as I had been worrying non stop over a brain tumor for at least a whole year prior to this. I got sent to the blood specialist, who did a few blood tests felt my spleen and said no way do you have any blood cancers.

I left still worrying over the brain tumor.

The petechiaes are very tiny and barely visible and keep disappearing. There are a lot scattered around my lower legs, a few on my upper but none on my abdomen, arms etc. I haven't been told it's pet, but it looks exactly like what I've seen. My legs can itch like crazy if they're exposed.. but not when I'm wearing jeans or in bed

15-02-15, 19:51
The petechiaes are very tiny and barely visible and keep disappearing. There are a lot scattered around my lower legs, a few on my upper but none on my abdomen, arms etc. I haven't been told it's pet, but it looks exactly like what I've seen. My legs can itch like crazy if they're exposed.. but not when I'm wearing jeans or in bed

Have you seen a GP? I would go to your GP and show him or her, then be reassurred when they give you some form of cream for whatever is causing the rash/itching.

If you are so convinced ask for a blood test for FBC, when it comes back normal after about 3-4 days, then its time to work on your health anxiety or it will carry on with some other disease and set of symptoms like many of us do.

Let me re-assure you for now, even though I shouldnt as reassurance does not help in the long run, (even though I still seek it myself) Petechiaes are a very late symptom of Leukemia, you would have many many more problems before that shows up, none of what you have said makes me think for one second that you have Leukemia but please do go get checked by your GP for peace of mind.

Best wishes.

15-02-15, 20:34
Have you seen a GP? I would go to your GP and show him or her, then be reassurred when they give you some form of cream for whatever is causing the rash/itching.

If you are so convinced ask for a blood test for FBC, when it comes back normal after about 3-4 days, then its time to work on your health anxiety or it will carry on with some other disease and set of symptoms like many of us do.

Let me re-assure you for now, even though I shouldnt as reassurance does not help in the long run, (even though I still seek it myself) Petechiaes are a very late symptom of Leukemia, you would have many many more problems before that shows up, none of what you have said makes me think for one second that you have Leukemia but please do go get checked by your GP for peace of mind.

Best wishes.

My mum actually won't take me because she thinks I'm worrying about nothing, so I don't think that will happen any time soon. She says things like "Oh I have that too!" and points at a zit, trying to reassure me. She also says "There are many more people who actually may have cancer and may well need the appointment!". But that's the thing! She doesn't realise that I may actually have something wrong with me. Fair enough, when I've been in the past it's always been down to anxiety and viruses, but this time I feel like it's the news I've been dreading. I've been worrying about this for about 3-4 months now and I kind of know my symptoms would be bad after all that time, but I still am convincing myself that I'm dying from it and it's un-curable. I wish I could just find out simply and just start enjoying life more.

Two drs appointments ago, I went for blood in my urine. Turned out this was actually my body's way of reacting to a virus or something. If my body bleeds to get rid of something, then could that explain the pet?

I just don't know anymore:wacko:

15-02-15, 20:49
How old are you?

Have you changed body sprays, shower gel, bubble bath, washing liquid/powders prior to the this rash and itch, have you tried any simple measures for this rash/itch? for example an anti histamine? a skin cream such as zerobase?

you do realise anxiety can also cause itching and skin reactions?

When I was 16 I had stomach cancer, then lung cancer, at 17 I had Throat Cancer and Glandular Fever, at 20 I had Testicular Cancer, even after a scan said I didnt I still definately had it!, at 21 I had nvCJD, at 27 I had Bladder Cancer with secondary spread to my Kidneys. I had "symptoms" of all those in every case. I'm 33 now and I'm still here this time I'm dying of a Brain Tumor, im sure I am, or perhaps I have Health Anxiety.

Please don't follow this path, you will not enjoy your life and you will die in the end having never really lived. Go and have some fun with your friends, do whatever it takes to take your mind off the worrying process.

15-02-15, 21:05
How old are you?

Have you changed body sprays, shower gel, bubble bath, washing liquid/powders prior to the this rash and itch, have you tried any simple measures for this rash/itch? for example an anti histamine? a skin cream such as zerobase?

you do realise anxiety can also cause itching and skin reactions?

When I was 16 I had stomach cancer, then lung cancer, at 17 I had Throat Cancer and Glandular Fever, at 20 I had Testicular Cancer, even after a scan said I didnt I still definately had it!, at 21 I had nvCJD, at 27 I had Bladder Cancer with secondary spread to my Kidneys. I had "symptoms" of all those in every case. I'm 33 now and I'm still here this time I'm dying of a Brain Tumor, im sure I am, or perhaps I have Health Anxiety.

Please don't follow this path, you will not enjoy your life and you will die in the end having never really lived. Go and have some fun with your friends, do whatever it takes to take your mind off the worrying process.

I'm 14 atm

Thanks for the advise, it really is a horrible thing to go through and people don't understand how tough HA actually is

What would they actually do if I went for HA treatment? How would they "cure" it? :wacko:

15-02-15, 21:13
You could ask your mum to take you to the GP to discuss your anxiety and maybe seek the help of a counsellor, namely cbt therapy, I would strongly advise against using any medications at your age and in fact any age.

You are 14 and have your whole life ahead of you, the best things you can do right now, is do not google symptoms, distract yourself by doing other things you enjoy and try to talk about your anxiety.