View Full Version : Muscle Spasms

15-01-07, 09:41
I've noticed a few times in recent weeks I've been lying in bed ready to go to sleep and I seem to have had a spasm in my body for a second or so.

Now, maybe this is common and I haven't noticed it before, but imagine I'm being given an electric shock and my body just goes out of control, that is what has happened. I don't find it scary, but I wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

15-01-07, 10:55
Yep, loads of poeple. There is a name for it that I can't remember, but I am sure someone else will! Nocturnal myopia or something. Very, very common indeed.

15-01-07, 11:11
hi russ, yes, i get this, usually when im just at the stage of falling asleep, its like i have a sudden shock that wakes me up. ive always had this, so i dont think its anything to worry about. babies do this too, like they suddenly are startled so i guess it is just a normal human behaviour.


15-01-07, 14:36

Its called a "Hypnic Jerk".

Very common and harmless. Try not to worry about it !

Description here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnic_jerk


15-01-07, 15:05
hey guys little help needed here

i have a pain in my jaw right beside my ear on my left side, woke up with it, hurts when i yawn cough, turn my head, hard to explain it.

i woke up with it this morning, feels like i have pulled a muscle but i havent, at times it goes right into my chest.


" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

16-01-07, 02:30
I am so thankful for the link above. I saw several doctors about this and had an MRI and not one of them told me of this harmless explination. I am in tears to finally know that it is normal and not something terrible! Thank you. [Sigh...]