View Full Version : Muscle tension, twitching etc.

15-02-15, 23:19

So basically I have really bad anxiety, which is why I'm here. I get the craziest symptoms. Every little thing I get I automatically assume that I'm going to die. The latest symptom I have is a tight muscle feeling on the right side of my face which I usually get when I have anxiety but now it feels worse. I did something that you're not supposed to do, I consulted Dr. Google. Dr. Google then shows a bunch of results with "ALS" in them (also known as MND) so of course I start freaking out and panicking as my grandfather and my mam's cousin both passed away from this horrible disease. A few other symptoms I have had in the past Dr. Google has diagnosed me with MND.

Can someone who has had similar symptoms to me PLEASE reply to this thread and put my mind at rest (if that's even possible to do with me)? I'd greatly appreciate it.

Sorry for ranting on but I really needed to get this off my chest.
-NervousWreck :)