View Full Version : Feeling overwhelmed...

16-02-15, 03:51
so I have health anxiety, of course. I have some actual issues with my health, thyroid issues that they can't get my medication correct for.

anyway, I've been under a hell of a lot of pressure lately and I think it's contributing to things. broke up with my BF, started 2 new courses at school. etc.

well I've been having racing heart, feeling tired. and now I'm having crazy bad stabbing pains in my upper right abdomen. it's been around for a few days now and I am convinced it's liver or kidney failure. or heart issues causing it.

anyway, I'm 30. female. work out 5x/week. don't feel any different except stress stress stress. guess I'm just looking for comfort. :(

16-02-15, 09:28
I think everything you are describing can be from health anxiety. You do not mention whether you have been checked out by your GP but if you haven't do this because it will allay all your fears.

16-02-15, 09:47
I understand how you feel, it is a horrible feeling. What you describe definitely sounds like health anxiety to me.

My health anxiety got worse when I was under a lot of stress due to family illness, a relationship ending and work stress so I can relate.

Using this forum has really helped me though, lots of lovely people here who genuinely care and understand so my advice to you is to come here and speak to people as it will help you feel much better. It has given me a lot of comfort.