View Full Version : tingling, burning, numbness, pain..help!

16-02-15, 06:31
This past August I began having strange symptoms. My limbs would tingle and go numb our of the blue. Sometimes they would tingle so long they would feel like they werer burning and would even become hot to touch. I have seen my family doctor, two neurologists, and a chiropractor.
My symptoms keep getting worse and now experiencing pain. I also will have symptoms on my head, cheeks, back as well. Usually it's my legs and cheeks that get symptoms first. I have noticed little sleep names symptoms worse especially if I am woke from sleep which happens often as a stay at home mother of 3 young boys.
I have had an mri without contrast, done blood work, and an emg. They have found a bulged disk and a Couple pinched nerves but nothing to explain my symptoms. Please help me if you have any suggestions on what to do our where to look. Some days it's almost unbearable. Must days it's not too bothersome but still annoying. Thanks :-)

Toronto girl
18-02-15, 12:27
Sorry you are feeling so lousy. I can relate as I gave had a prickly sensation in both legs for a long time, accompanied by a surging feeling in my chest. I know how scary and depressing this can be.

I have been tested extensively and no cause or damage can be bound. Has your doctor given you any indication as to what they think the problem is?:weep: