View Full Version : Anxiety Ruining life ;-(

16-02-15, 12:21
Today I thought I would spend the Day out with my son as its my Day Off from work. I took a Propranolol before I left so I wouldn't get any of them Anxiety Symptoms whilst I'm out and I felt ok. Driving Into town I had a little pain in my chest but I carried on Ignoring it and it passed then as soon as I got out of my car my Anxiety started. I felt faint and waves of fear was coming over me but I carried on walking Distracting myself talking to my son. Then to top it off I felt my pulse (as I always do) as my heart wasn't pounding... ad it was fait which sent more waves of fear over me as I thought my heart was stopping... Crazy I know.. I carried on walking about and felt a little better but now I've come home because its made me feel very on edge and as you guys properly know when having a panic attack or feeling Anxiety it makes you feel drained and you feel rough for the rest of the day.....I really hate this...It has ruined my day out now...I look at people around town and wish I could just feel normal and carry on day to day like they do...but this I so hard...I'm going to see how I feel in a bit and try and venture out again....does anyone else have this problem...:weep:

16-02-15, 18:22
I have felt like this many times (not so often now...it does get better!). Instead of focusing on the negatives how about we look at the positives? You drove into town and ignored the chest pains. You walked and talked with your son and felt a little better. It is natural to feel drained after you have been so anxious but hey you did it!! You didn't give in so give yourself a pat on the back and be proud of yourself. Always focus on the things you have achieved and not the negatives. It really does help and gives you more courage to do more.
Try the online course cbt4panic http://ct-online-info.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fct-online-info.com%2F&reauth=1 It helped me a lot.