View Full Version : Banged head... Need comfort

16-02-15, 12:22
Ok sounds silly and yes I'm seeking reassurance.. I was sat in bath minding my own buisness as you do and then a full hard bottle of shampoo fell and clonked me on the head in slightly above but in front of my ear ... This very soft bit of skull houses the meningeal artery. I did it about 36 hours ago but on that side where I hit it I keep getting random shooting pains like electric shock pains alongside the onesided headache and pains behind my eyes ... I foolishly google as I know about epidural and subural haematoma and I know the golden period is between 1-48 hours ... However I have new knowledge !! U can have subacute haematoma which takes between 2-7 days to develop and chronic haematoma which can take weeks or months to develop and It can be that mild a headbang patients can't actually recall it that caused it !! ... I am scared and upset also this damn headache is very annoying/irritating

16-02-15, 13:16
It's probably just bruised from where the bottle hit and because of your worry you are aware of every single sensation in your head now.

If you cannot settle give your doctor a ring for some telephone advice, if they are even slightly concerned they will see you.

16-02-15, 17:25
It didn't even have a lump or anything really weird actually . Just really deep sharp pains inside my head that make me wince. Not actually sure what to do. Thanks for reply x

16-02-15, 18:24
I've had them fall on my head loads of times nothing to worry about your head can sustain massive trauma before any of that

16-02-15, 20:35
The human head is a very resilient thing, and can take a lot more than shampoo bottles hitting it, so you'll be fine.

Just watch this science based video for proof of the strength of ones noggin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D19nGdtF-Xk

....if you are worried, just pop into your walk in centre and explain what happened.