View Full Version : Leg aches

16-02-15, 16:22
Hi all, I'm hoping you can help me put my mind at rest about something!

I flew London-Las Vegas on 2nd Feb and returned into London on the morning of 13th.
I was fine on Saturday but yesterday evening I've had very achey calf muscles that now are also aching just above my knees (on both legs). I don't have any breathing difficulties but am feeling a bit nauseous and occasionally get a strange sensation in a leg (normally my left) that feels like a vein 'bubbling' but this is only very brief.

Is this just likely to be a product of walking a lot on holiday and being a bit jetlagged? I realise both legs aching is very unlikely to point to anything such as a DVT but having just taken a long haul flight has got me worried.

I've taken painkillers but they don't seem to be much help. Anything to put my mind at rest would be great, or if you think I should be taking it more seriously that would be great too. Thanks everyone :)

16-02-15, 22:24
Yes, it could be. Depending on your level of fitness and your stress levels?
You can check with your GP - is the pain subsiding at all? Is it getting better?

17-02-15, 06:47
Thank you for replying!

I am relatively fit, in the sense that I walk a couple of miles every day and am not overweight but I'm not down the gym every day, and I certainly do not feel stressed at the moment - apart from thinking about this!
This morning the pain seems to have subsided slightly and seems to be slightly more focused around both knees and just above them (on the front of my legs).

It may be worth mentioning my husband and I have been trying for a baby, but only for the last week which seems very soon for anything to be happining! I did wonder if this may be related to the nausea (which I still have) - but it seemed very strange to be getting aching calf muscles of all things if it was related!

Tilly Flop
17-02-15, 08:07
I'm pretty sure that a DVT would manifest itself as more than aches in the legs, more swelling, heat and redness, and would be more in one leg than the other.
If I'm tired, run down or generally under par I get exactly what you've described, and usually a nice hot shower or bath, a couple of ibuprofen and a lie down will sort it out. I guess worrying could make it worse - could make you more tired etc. I'd say jet lag definitely wouldn't help, and I know that can take a couple of days to catch up with you.
hope you feel better soon and good luck with the trying for a baby!

17-02-15, 08:12
Tilly Flop thank you very much! That's very reassuring. Think I will go for a few more days and see how I feel - if it's still the same at the weekend I might consider calling the GP but feeling much better about it now.

Thank you again :)