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View Full Version : headaches due to lack of sleep?

emma t
15-01-07, 12:26
Hi all,

i've put a couple of posts on the forum about my experiences over the last 7 weeks. basically i've had all kind of symptoms: chest/abdominal pain, tingling in arms and hands, headaches, stiff neck and dizzyness and light headedness. the doctors have all said that that these are definately stress related, i've had 4 ecgs, cardiac bloods, full blood count, chest xray and abdominal ultrasound - all have been entirely normal.

however for about the last week i've been experiencing headaches, with pain across my forehead and base of skull. these headaches are mainly dull and i think could be caused due to my very stiff neck and back as well as the fact that i haven't slept a full night in 7 weeks.

has anyone else had anything similar? headaches can be worrying.


15-01-07, 12:52
Hi Emma I get headaches all the time,and neck and shoulder ache.Its all down to tension.:)

Ellen XX

15-01-07, 13:04
Hi Emma, tension combined with lack of sleep is the main cause of headaches. Also, are you drinking enough? (water that is!) as dehydration can also be a factor.

Love Jo x

emma t
15-01-07, 13:53
thanks for the replies - they are very helpful.
i'm drinking enough water, plenty infact.

i'm started going to physio so helpfully that will help loosen my neck and possibly ease some of the tension - looking forward to a good nights sleep soon.



15-01-07, 15:22
There are many things which cause a headache, dehydration, lack of food/blood sugar and lack of sleep. Yes, tension can cause headaches too.

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."