View Full Version : Trichotillomania?

17-02-15, 04:55
Well a few weeks ago I pulled out most of my eye lashes. It looks so bad. I'm usually able to control it but I had a hell of a day and I didn't even realize how many I'd pulled out until it was too late.

Anyone else do that?

17-02-15, 05:31
I tend to do something similar with skin picking. It dates back to childhood, probably the only real OCD behaviour that really does.

I think if we lower or anxiety levels in general, these nervous habits seem to go away or at least become more controllable. Do you find that?

Shapeshifting Lizard
17-02-15, 05:37
I've been pulling my head hair for 4 years straight, continually. There was one point I pulled loads of it out but now I just tend to mess with it. If you're seriously pulling your hair out you might want to tell your doctor. That's all the advice I can give really. (Apparently) prozac helps with this but then you'd be getting yourself onto something you might not need.

Basically I don't know what to do if it's eyelashes but I'm just saying, yeah, I do it so often it's like breathing to me. I don't even care if I do it in public cause I can't afford to.

17-02-15, 21:17
I'm already on anti depressants and prozac didn't do much for me it was one of the first medication's I tried.

I can't really do anything more about my anxiety, it's as low as it's ever going to be, since going on medication it's not something I consider an issue anymore.
Whenever something upsetting happens I end up with bald patches somewhere though, although its almost always my eye lashes and eyebrows that suffer. I pick skin too.

18-02-15, 01:30
Perhaps when something distressing happens you could try to practice some distraction technique to break the need to do this and after a while you won't feel the need to perform it?