View Full Version : My dad

15-01-07, 13:06
Hi,my dad is 65 and has been diagnosed with diabetes.He has to control with diet.He is seeing a diabetic nurse,but took it upon himself to read a book on diabetes,and learned all things that can go wrong.Bad news!!!!!!
All weekend he has been ill with worry,had all the symptoms of anxiety.
All of a sudden he is talking about if he dies how would we all cope,he has all these symptoms that have suddenly come from no where,since reading the book.This is making my anxiety worse now.
Has anyone else had this sort of problem.He is getting so stressed because he doesnt know how to control it,hopefully the nurse will put him at ease today.(I HOPE SO).
Is this health anxiety????

Ellen XX

15-01-07, 13:13
Hello Ellen I too hope the nurse can give your dad the advice he needs hun. I just want to give big hugs to both you and your dad. ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) xxxxxxxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

15-01-07, 13:26
Hi there Ellen,
You need to try and tell him not to worry. My step-father has had diabetes for years. In the beginning when he was diagnosed he saw all the bad sides of the illness, but now, he is perfectly fit and healthy (and eats sweets still...tut tut!). He's had a lot of people in his family also with the illness and i don't recall them ever dying due to complications of diabetes, only of old age!
Hopefully he'll get all the information he needs to calm his mind from the nurse and i'm guessing they'll tell him as long as he follows somekind of healthy diabetic diet he'll have no problems.
Good Luck to your father

15-01-07, 13:40
hi Ellen,

my dad is 64 and he too has diabetes - dignosed at about 58. at first he was very shocked but he has learnt how to manage it through diet etc.

there are obviously certain things that your dad will have to look after, and certain things that can affect diabetics but it really isnt that difficult to live (the type where you dont have to inject) with if you make sure you look after yourself and are aware of warning signs.

hope this helps


15-01-07, 13:46
Hi Ellen, if he only needs to control his diet with diet he really has nothing to worry about. Reading a book on diabetes was the worst thing he could have done because as you properly know there are lots of different levels of diabetes and if he only has to control with diet he has the much lower risk type. My brother was diagnosed diabetic a few years ago at about the age of 40, He was told also to control it with diet. His world fell apart he had never visited a doctors or had any teats even blood tests in his life and was, and still is terrified of blood tests which only mad things worst. Anyway he got a grill and mainly just cut out fatty and high sugar foods/ drinks, he liked his drink so changed to wine and lager etc that are suitable for diabetics (there are lots to chose from nowadays. His diabetes was controlled really well in a short time and now he doesn’t even stick to the recommendations and drinks too much but his diabetes is still under control. My sons girlfriend also got diagnosed a few years ago but his is the higher type and has to inject insulin, but there again he kept to a fairly simple diet, but he to likes his drink in the evenings so he drinks with no problem too. Also if your Dad is too worried he can get of the doctor or purchase a little kit and take blood samples him regularly to be reassured he is ok. I don’t know if you have seen the kit but you just put your finger in a little box that just pricks the end of the finger and gives you a reading, I have tried it and it’s simple and painless. But as I said the best thing is not to read up on it as there a many different types and what he read is proberly someone who has it quite bad. There are so many people around now diagnosed with diabetes and lead good healthy lives. I wouldn’t say he has health anxiety, its proberly the initial shock of finding out, this really worried my brother the same, but it soon went again. I understand he is well stressed out which is normal for anyone to find out we have anything wrong, I am the worlds worst If I get any ache or pain I am convinced it’s the end. I am sure after he see the nurse and get a few things sorted he will feel better. Take care. Vernon