View Full Version : Worried about bone cancer

17-02-15, 17:45
So this is my latest worry :( I have a pain in my lower back in a spot the size of a 50p coin , it comes and goes but feels a little stiff to , if I press it it feels bruised but I can see no bruising , I can't think of anything different that's caused it no accident or anything , I'm worried it's bone cancer I googled ( I know I know ) but couldn't help it , I've had it 2 weeks and it's not going , sometimes I think it's getting better but then comes back x

17-02-15, 22:19
This is just a tight muscle, and back muscles take time - and the tricky thing is, as well as the abdominal muscles, we always use them - so they don't get the rest they need to heal quicker. What you describe actually sounds like a trigger point as such, which massage/physio's use to help pinpoint the muscles with the issue.

May be worth getting a massage or something if you've looked into that? or apply a bit of deep heat? Back muscles can become tight and tense through all sorts, sometimes nothing overly physical - sometimes stress or posture can cause the back muscles to tighten.