View Full Version : genital herpes or friction burns?? feeling suicidal

17-02-15, 17:50
Really hope someone can help me i'm reaching my breaking point. Last weekend me and my male friend had a moment of madness and had unprotected sex (stupid i know). During the sex it got quite painful, it kinda felt like i was drying up and the pain was being caused by friction. It wasn't rigorus sex that lasted long and he was probably average sized maybe a bit smaller and was having problems getting a full erection.

Its been 3 days now and i still have burning and stinging sensation at the entrance to my vagina and when I pee. I can't see any lesions, blisters etc. My hypochondria has kicked in and now i've convinced myself that i could possibly have genital herpes inside me and never have known that i had it and that sex at the weekend occurred the same time as a herpes breakout. I'm also feeling scared that if this is the case then my friend would be infected and i have ruined his life.

What i want to know is it possible for friction burns to last more than 3 days?? Could I have herpes?? I can't get an appointment with my gp or the GUM clinic for over a week i'm just hoping for advice or to hear from someone with possibly similar problem. PLEASE HELP

17-02-15, 18:27
I can't say I've had genital herpes before but I've had 'friction' burn and by heck it hurt for like a week! Remember you are SOOO sensitive down there. For your own protection I would go to the GUM clinic anyway but I think it's been a bit too rigorous and yeah its hurt!! X

17-02-15, 18:46
Thank you for the reply. I def need to be checked out im just afraid of this being herpes and clearing up before i get to the GUM clinic and then i'll not get a an answer :(. Just a question about the friction burn was yours right at the entrance and around the hole?? Also when i wipe there are a few dots of blood but i cant find any wounds.

17-02-15, 19:32
HSV2 wouldn't typically present that way immediately. If you're concerned, you can be tested specifically for both HSV 1 and 2.

Now... the feelings you're having in your thread title? Over herpes? Anyone who's ever had a cold sore has herpes. You can get type 1 (the virus that causes cold sores) both orally and genitally, but you very rarely can get type 2 (genital) orally. Neither, while a bit inconvenient, are sinister and it's conservatively estimated that 1/3 of the world population has it and it's probably closer to half if you take into consideration all those that have it and never were symptomatic.

Positive thoughts

17-02-15, 20:22
I have it in my head that I already had genital herpes outbreak and not know but the having sex may have busted the sores and thats why i'm feeling pain.Is that possible??

17-02-15, 20:28
I have it in my head that I already had genital herpes outbreak and not know but the having sex may have busted the sores and thats why i'm feeling pain.Is that possible??

Like I said, a doctor can do specific blood work that would detect both types.

Positive thoughts

17-02-15, 22:50
I'm waiting for an appointment with my Dr was just looking some advice if it could be herpes or an injury from drying up.

Mrs worryworm
18-02-15, 00:34
I have genital herpes. On my first outbreak I was sore for about a week before the blisters came out. It's like a red raw pain that it hurts to even sit. You walk like an old woman who has just had hip surgery. You need to use a shower on your genital area just to urine. The first outbreak is by far the worst. If it's not as bad as this it ain't herpes. I hope it's not as herpes sucks x