View Full Version : Scared of mouth cancer?! *PLEASE REPLY*

17-02-15, 23:47

I'm 14 and live in the UK, obviously I don't smoke.

A few hours ago I got a pain in one side of mouth towards the back in the bit between my right bottom row of teeth and the roof of my mouth. It's not a sharp pain or anything and it only hurts when I swallow. More like a dull pain. So I felt where it was hurting and oh boy, there was a LUMP. Just my luck. It felt about the size of medium pea and felt like only half of it on the surface, but there is definitely a lump/bump. I felt on the other side and it wasn't there, so it must be something bad.


Toby :weep:

18-02-15, 00:11
Hi Hissy, try not to worry, I really think it sounds more like a swollen gland or ulcer/cyst. You are very young to have anything sinister. The best person for you to speak to on here is Fishmanpa, he knows a lot about this as he has s
uffered from oral C and is doing well. He helped me a lot when I had the same fear. Keep positive and message hom asap. He's in the USA so bear in mind the time difference. I'm sure it's really nothing bad. Try and get some sleep :-)

18-02-15, 00:19
Thanks for the reply.

I've only just moved on from "having" leukemia, so this is something new.

It doesn't sting, hurt or does anything when I touch it and the pain is more around the area, not neccesarily on the bump. It's right at the bottom by the way, towards the very back of my mouth, but isn't in my throat and to the side. If you look at the back of the mouth there's loads of "caved" like spaces. It's behind on of those. The mouth is clearly a very complex thing to describe!