View Full Version : paroxetine need advice please

18-02-15, 10:07
hi guys,

Not been on for a few weeks in lost my job and been signed off by the doctor at the minute. Ive been waiting on counselling course starting and if gotten to the point where it given in to trying meds as I'm getting progressively more anxious and depressed.

Gp has given me paroxetine, iv had them sitting for over a week I'm not keen and really anxious about trying them. Had a really bad experience with propranolol last year and I'm worried these do the same.

Both are 20th tabs but last year I took one my first day in the morning and approx 2 hours later became very drowsy and nauseous and actually made more anxious as a result tried again next day and was the same again and came straight off them couldn't focus/function in work.

Least to say I won't be in work on paroxetine although I'm still really wary about taking them not sure what to do. Been fighting this without meds for years but it's only getting worse.

What's your guys main thoughts on paroxetine, I don't want to even Google them as I know the side effects listed on most anti anxiety/depression drugs are huge and will just put me off even more.

18-02-15, 14:21
Every ssri takes time to work, a couple of months usually, so you won't be able to tell straight away. I am on paroxetine, it works for me but I am very aware that it is not the easiest of ssri's to come off of. We are all different and what works for me might not work for you, I am afraid it is trial and error. Good luck and don't be scared x

15-03-15, 10:06
Hello, like spot-the-frog said, each individual react differently to drugs, so you have to watch changes your self and see if you can cope with it.
I am using Paroxetine 25mg Retard one tablet a day for the last 12 years.

It helps me cope with social anxiety very much and in bad days I take 2 tablets.

It laso helps in delaying ejaculation if you suffer from prepature ejaculation like my self.
The side effects that I suffer from are changing of blood pressure up and down
Dizzeness, opposite spills of insomnia verses over sleeping, dry mouth, good appetite.

I dont read the side effects in google and other sorces because I will be more anxious about it.

It usually takes 2 weeks to kick in as the doctors say.

I hope I managed to give you some useful infor regarding this drug.


02-04-15, 15:37
Hi guys,

Thanks for the advice and sorry for the late reply, I've still not started them yet, I discussed with my GP and I want to try the counselling first which currently I've had a few sessions already but still early days.

I just feel more anxious the thought of trying meds again and eventhough I've had one bad spell with the propranalol which hasn't helped I've always been funny about taking medication even when I've had the flu etc

I'm not completely ruling it out as I'm going through some really bad days over the last couple months.

Can I ask you guys a random question? When you are on them do you still feel yourself? The reason I'm asking is that I felt extremely drowsy which made me more anxious but over time I may have become used to it but I dont want to lose a sense of reality if that makes sense?

I want to be able to feel like myself to an extent and not feel like the drugs have just switched me off to become almost numb, its hard to explain I hope you know what I mean.