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View Full Version : Belching and Ovarian Cancer

18-02-15, 12:58
Hello, I am a 34 year old female, diagnosed with PCOS being treated with birth control pills. The diagnosis came 3 years after the birth of my daughter. I didn't get a period after giving birth and then 3 years later, I bled heavily for 36 days straight. I had an ultrasound and a pap smear, which showed PCOS and also sludge in my gallbladder...which was removed in December 2013. After my gallbladder removal, I suffered from some of the same symptoms I had before...urgent need to go to the bathroom, cramps, etc. The GI doctor said that considering my age, it's IBS...no need for a scope.
Now I've been belching constantly, with heartburn, spotting between periods and after sex (doctor has changed birth control pill type to see if this helps) and I've been having stomach cramps with mucus in my stool.
My question is, could the constant belching, heartburn and cramps be ovarian cancer? My ultrasound was almost 2 years ago and only showed the PCOS. I have no distention of my stomach, no constipation, no problem peeing, no appetite problems, just the belching and cramps. Thanks!

18-02-15, 16:00
Your symptoms may not even be related - your PCOS could well cause the spotting, and the belching/heartburn could be IBS or anxiety even - people who are anxious can have a tendency to swallow a lot of air...

Try not to put these things together and draw your own conclusions, or google stuff... that way only worse health anxiety lies, once you fall into the cycle it's difficult to break... so make a routine appointment with your doctor, talk to them about your symptoms (not your theories) and if they are not concerned, you should not be concerned. :)

18-02-15, 16:06
Thanks so much for your reply! I have made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I swear that anxiety is going to be the death of me. I've already ended up in the Emergency Room with an anxiety attack that mimicked a heart attack. The logical side of me says that it's nothing, and I'm drawing conclusions too soon...but then the little anxious devil inside me blows things up and makes me think I'm losing my mind. I've also fallen into the trap of reading too much Google and I had a high CRP result last summer...which dropped a bit after further testing. Now I'm wondering if it's ovarian cancer causing the high CRP. I hate anxiety.

18-02-15, 17:32
Well here's a suggestion for tonight, you cannot possibly know one way or the other until tomorrow's appointment, so stay off Google, spend some time with your daughter, and try and enjoy your evening. Ignore your anxious devil for a bit, they feed off of attention, and one evening isn't going to make squat all difference to your suspected medical condition. This is how I broke my HA cycle - distract yourself with other things for chunks at a time - make them larger and larger until hopefully one day you will not be anxious about it at all. Good luck with your Dr appointment, hope you feel reassured after. :hugs:

18-02-15, 17:36
Thank you so much, that's a wonderful idea. You've been a great help. :)

Mrs worryworm
18-02-15, 17:55
I have pcos, anxiety and right now I'm having constant cramps and mucus when I wipe after poo. I also worry about ovarian cancer but I guess could be anxiety. X

18-02-15, 18:30
Hopefully after tomorrow I'll have some peace of mind, or at least a plan of action.

19-02-15, 20:54
Update: Being sent for an ultrasound, and also given a referral to an endocrinologist. The doc thinks it's just IBS but is testing for C. Diff and H, Pylori. He thinks that there could be other explanations for my symptoms and has told me not to worry so much...

12-06-15, 07:42
How did u get on x