View Full Version : For those who have had UTIs......

18-02-15, 13:45
On my second course of antibiotics now.......... Day 2 of second course.

Has anyone else needed 2 courses?
I still get the 'sore bladder feeling' and some burning but its on and off.
Nighttime seems worse, I feel I have to 'go' twice before bed.
Can the symptoms linger?
My Dr keeps saying we have evidence of infection and she isnt worried by my symptoms. I have seen 3 different GPs.


18-02-15, 13:53
I had a terrible UTI over Christmas and it took a month for the burning and irritation to settle down. I was so worried there was something wrong and must have seen about 5 different doctors and nurses. Eventually it just went away.

I had two lots of antibiotics too and my symptoms continued even after I finished the second course. My burning was worse at night too.

UTI symptoms can linger even after the infection has cleared up.

Wearing loose clothes, washing with only water 'down there' and drinking loads of water and cranberry juice and avoiding alcohol really helped my sensitivity clear up. Avoid bubble bath too at all costs!

Hope you feel better soon :) x

18-02-15, 15:07
Yes, sometimes they can take 2 attacks of anti biotics to really get to grips with it. Make sure you drink plenty and plenty of water, flush yourself out as much as you can - that speeds it a long massively.

I had an infection last year, even though the tests showed that I didn't, the anti biotics did help. UTI's can sometimes be right little buggers to find and treat!

18-02-15, 15:12
I had an awful bladder infection it took two lots of antibiotics to clear it ,1000mg of ciproflaxcin did the trick 2nd time around.Afterwards i was very sensitive and couldnt stop going to the loo.I drank lots and lots of water and it eventually went away after a month or so

18-02-15, 15:12
Yes I need three courses once.

UTI's are one of the infections that has become most resistant to antibiotics so they are becoming harder to treat.

I don't take any antibiotics for UTI's anymore just use a natural product I buy from a complementary health store and it works just as well.

Take care

19-02-15, 22:51
Snowflake I'm just seeing how you have had the same issues as me lol I also had a bad bladder uti issue and now were going thro the ear thing x