View Full Version : Firm, rubbery white chunks in stool?

18-02-15, 13:49
I don't know if this is normal or not because my symptoms only began recently and I've never sifted through my stool until today.

I can find firm, rubbery little balls, yellowish in colour, dotted around the stool. They're not sticky or stringy and they don't really break apart, they are just kind of tough little balls.

Is this fat? Mucous? Or just a normal part of stool?

Tilly Flop
20-02-15, 21:26
Have you been eating sweetcorn by any chance?

01-03-15, 22:35
Mushrooms ?

04-03-15, 09:56
It might have been mushrooms! But after much obsessive research and asking of doctors it seems that either way this is not how mucous every presents.