View Full Version : Nervous over ENT referral :(

18-02-15, 13:54
Feeling a bit nervous after seeing the doctor this morning...

I have been having problems with both ears and my nose for a while, especially my nose. I saw a doctor years ago who said my nose problems were most likely due to nasal polyps, but I didn’t have a camera or any further investigation to confirm this.

Anyway, my left ear is much worse than my right and at times my left nostril is stuffy and blocked. I also occasionally have some blood in the tissue from my left nostril when I blow my nose.

My left ear feels full and blocked and a little painful at times. The doctor examined both ears and said they looked clear, no signs of infection – indicating the problem is coming from further inside.

She thinks it could be to do with polyps. She looked up my nose but couldn’t see anything but said it looked inflamed up there? She has referred me to an ENT for a camera up my nose. She said she is only really doing this to put my mind at rest (she knows I suffer with health anxiety) but I am so worried now!

I am really scared of having some sort of rare cancerous tumour inside my ear or nose L She said it is very unlikely to be this, but I just can’t help worrying that I will be the unlucky person who gets it!

She recommended I use a steroid nasal spray to see if that helps with my ear and nose symptoms. These symptoms do seem to come and go, and I have a full blood count done a couple of weeks ago that was clear... surely if I had cancer somewhere in my body it would have shown up on blood tests, or I would have other symptoms?

My health anxiety is getting better in general, I am weaning myself of Googling and asking for reassurance (in ‘real life’ at least, I still ask for a lot of reassurance on NMP)

Just wondering if anyone has any experience of similar ear/nose problems? Has anyone seen an ENT for a camera, how did it go?

Thanks folks xx

18-02-15, 15:24
I've had that small ENT camera down my nose twice. It's really nothing. They use a spray to numb the area and you barely feel a thing. It's worth a look inside there. It's most likely nothing and even if they found a polyp it's very common.

ENT doctor visits are to me the most easy appointments you can have. There is no undressing, no looking in odd places and they can reassure you that all is well.

18-02-15, 17:39
Hope all goes well let me no how u get on I will also x

18-02-15, 23:17
Also just to add I don't think if u had cancer the symptoms wud come and go x

19-02-15, 00:37
Also just to add I don't think if u had cancer the symptoms wud come and go x

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't not come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

You been cleared by one doctor and are being referred for peace of mind. I had head and neck cancer. Nasopharyngeal cancer is in that category and in fact, being that I had an unknown primary, that was one of the possibilities under investigation. We never found the primary site but it was decided, based on the evidence available that my cancer started on the back of my tongue. Still, treatment included radiation of the nasopharynx area.

On the H&N cancer boards there were a few who had this very rare cancer and what you describe does not compare to their symptoms.

I'm sure all will check out just fine. When it does, it would be beneficial to start treating your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

19-02-15, 08:18
FMP is right as always with his valuable advice. You need to accept that you have anxiety, snowflake, or else you will just be lurching from one potential terminal illness to another in the space of a few days. And that's a miserable way to live your life.

19-02-15, 19:18
Thanks for all the replies guys, I really appreciate it.

FMP - you make a lot of sense and I am especially going to take on board what you have told me. You have said similar to me before when I have been freaking out and I always remember your words, so thanks :)

I actually think my problem could be related to my jaw, I have a LOT of neck and shoulder tension too. My very lovely fella give me a really good neck rub last night and it actually helped my ear a lot!

I totally accept I suffer with health anxiety and have been diagnosed with this. I have been having CBT and medication for some months now and so far it is working, but I have the odd 'freak out' as I call them. They are getting less and les intense though so I definitely feel I am getting better.

I definitely jump from one 'problem' to another... on the train today I kept rubbing a funny dry patch/mole thing on my scalp that I am 'convinced' is cancer, and before that I was worrying over my ear/nose! If its not one thing its another.

It sounds so insignificant and silly when I read it back, but whilst these thoughts are rushing through my brain day in day out it is really wrecking my life. It is ALWAYS there in the back of my mind, it is like an evil gremlin or monster stopping me from living a 'normal' life. I have a total freak out every time my poor fella has a headache or coughs!

Thanks again guys, so good to come here for support xx

19-02-15, 20:01
I don't think you can totally accept you have HA until you truly believe it every day. The best way we can support you is to ram this message home and not to discuss symptoms and compare "notes" with you.

It's a huge psychological step to take but I think the best way to stop HA in its tracks hopefully once and for all?

19-02-15, 20:41
I am not sure I agree. To me, I really do accept I have health anxiety but I have good days and bad days. I feel confused a lot of the time over what is wrong with me, sometimes I think I am dying, other times I think a lot of it is psychological. I would say in general though, I totally accept I have health anxiety.

I am not sure I agree with your thoughts on the best way I can be supported is to have that messaged "rammed home" either. For me, discussing my symptoms on here and comparing "notes" with other NMP users is a huge part of the recovery process as it is helping not just me, but others to stop Googling or asking for assurance "in real life"

Don't get me wrong, if I thought there was a way of stopping my health anxiety in its tracks once and for all I would do it in a heartbeat, but my health anxiety is getting better now and I am well on the way to recovery. A huge part of my recovery has been coming here and talking about my feelings (sometimes this includes discussing symptoms) with other users.


19-02-15, 20:59
I wondered for a moment if I had written this post, lol. You have exactly what I have, except I get ringing ears too.

19-02-15, 21:19
I am not sure I agree. To me, I really do accept I have health anxiety but I have good days and bad days. I feel confused a lot of the time over what is wrong with me, sometimes I think I am dying, other times I think a lot of it is psychological. I would say in general though, I totally accept I have health anxiety.

I am not sure I agree with your thoughts on the best way I can be supported is to have that messaged "rammed home" either. For me, discussing my symptoms on here and comparing "notes" with other NMP users is a huge part of the recovery process as it is helping not just me, but others to stop Googling or asking for assurance "in real life"

Don't get me wrong, if I thought there was a way of stopping my health anxiety in its tracks once and for all I would do it in a heartbeat, but my health anxiety is getting better now and I am well on the way to recovery. A huge part of my recovery has been coming here and talking about my feelings (sometimes this includes discussing symptoms) with other users.


Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. HA is horrible and we all have our ways of managing it.

19-02-15, 22:39
Hi I just went through a similar situation. My right nostril feelsblocked and runs,only my right eye waters and my right ear rings. I had convinced myself that I had a sinus or nasal tumor and saw an ENT who put a camera up my noseand found that my right nostril was narrower. He said it was completely normal, but I wouldn't accept that and he ordered me a ct scan of my sinus/nasal area to allay my fears. It came up completely clear and normal. I still don't know what causes some of these symptoms, but now I try to just ignore them. Also, nasal/ear tumors are very rare. When I thought I had a sinus tumor, I remember reading that head and neck cancer only makes up about 3% or less of all cancers. Don't worry and try not to google! I hope you feel better soon:)

20-02-15, 09:04
I wondered for a moment if I had written this post, lol. You have exactly what I have, except I get ringing ears too.

I get the ringing ears (tinnitus) too, had it all my life though so forget I have it sometimes lol. My tinnitus gets worse with stress, do you find that too?


---------- Post added at 09:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 ----------

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. HA is horrible and we all have our ways of managing it.

No offence taken :) I just didn't agree with what you said, that's all. You are right HA is horrible and we do indeed have our own ways of managing it x

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 ----------

Hi I just went through a similar situation. My right nostril feelsblocked and runs,only my right eye waters and my right ear rings. I had convinced myself that I had a sinus or nasal tumor and saw an ENT who put a camera up my noseand found that my right nostril was narrower. He said it was completely normal, but I wouldn't accept that and he ordered me a ct scan of my sinus/nasal area to allay my fears. It came up completely clear and normal. I still don't know what causes some of these symptoms, but now I try to just ignore them. Also, nasal/ear tumors are very rare. When I thought I had a sinus tumor, I remember reading that head and neck cancer only makes up about 3% or less of all cancers. Don't worry and try not to google! I hope you feel better soon:)

Thanks Liv, sorry to hear you went though all this but that is good news it was nothing to worry about. I am not Googling it, feel more relaxed about it today (although I am having problems with my eye on that side now!). Yes, head and neck cancers are rare and it is highly unlikely to be that. I always worry I will be the unlucky person though and that worry eats away at me. It seems a lot of NMP users have had these sorts of ear/nose symptoms... I do wonder if there is a link to anxiety?


04-03-15, 10:51
Hi snowflake just wonder how u got on at the ent x

08-04-15, 14:48
Just wanted to share cause I know a lot of NMP users have ear worries...

My appointment went well! Having the camera up my nose was not especially pleasant (I can't lie) but it wasn't that bad and was over quickly.

The consultant said my ears, nose and sinuses are all fine and my problems are most likely due to allergies (I am asthmatic so this makes sense)

The best of it is... and wait for it... since being reassured about this my ear problems have got LOADS better :D I honestly think the constant worrying over it and focusing on what were probably just small pressure changes in my ear or normal sensations made it seem worse than it was.

Now my mind has been set at rest it feels much better. It just goes to show what sort of beast we are dealing with, with health anxiety I mean. It can play horrible tricks on us! I was absolutely convinced I had something seriously wrong!