View Full Version : Brain tumor?! HELP

18-02-15, 17:37

For once, I'm actually not worrying about myself. I'm worrying about my mum.

She says that she has been getting headaches at the back of her head for quite a while, she says that she can sometimes also get them in the core of her head aswell. She also says that she has been getting them for years and years, even before I was born which was a lengthy 14 years ago.

She is very stressed at the moment. A few years ago she split up with my dad and now regularly fights with her current boyfriend. She does have a lot to put up with as a single mother, including us 3 children who can be quite challenging at times, especially my little sister who is always screaming, crying and moaning. We live in quite a big house and my dad is paying the mortgage (he lives in a flat across the road), but she has to pay most of the bills. We aren't poor at all though, but we just aren't rich. She gets up quite early most mornings, ranging from 5am to 8am. She sleeps in the day quite a lot for 30-90mins a day, but she says that this is because she spends a lot of time cleaning the house. She has shingles as well due to stress and eczema. She does wear glasses and is under weight.

I'm scared she has a brain tumor or something! Do you think she has? No loss of balance, loss of appetite, involuntary movements, weakness, no sickness, nausea or diarrhea. They also go with painkillers. She has a stiff neck at the moment and she says they're tight.

Any ideas? :huh:

19-02-15, 13:36
Please do not worry, your mum's symptoms sound completely normal considering her circumstances. Tension headaches are very common in people who are stressed. She has had them for years and there are no other symptoms so really no cause for concern.
My mum has been experiencing headaches with no obvious trigger for a year and a half now. Doctors not worried, say unexplained headaches are very common and have given her anti depressants which strangely work as they interfere with pain areas of brain.
Hope this helps.