View Full Version : Can anyone feel their heartbeat in chest

18-02-15, 19:18
If I put my hand over my heart particularly right after standing up from lying down or sitting for a while or after a short walk or going up stairs I can feel my heart beat against my chest wall. It seems to settle down after a minute or so when I stand still but being able to feel it thumping against my chest wall isn't nice. I've had an ECG, blood tests and blood pressure monitor show everything is normal. The beat isn't irregular and not necessarily fast either when this happens.

I'm thinking it could be some form of hypotension as my pulse on standing goes up by at least 10 usually more in the mornings. I've also seen my resting heart rate drop into the 40's at night.

18-02-15, 20:41
sounds normal to me =) your heart beat will go up when standing mines always faster when i first wake up just stop checking (hard i know im a methodic pulse checker)

19-02-15, 03:01
yes, happens to me all the time!

19-02-15, 15:57
It still doesn't feel right to me. I don't know if it's just because I'm more aware of it now but it seems to be pounding way too hard for simple tasks like standing up and going up stairs.

19-02-15, 16:07
if your concerned go to your gp and get them to have a listen =)

19-02-15, 16:12
I've already been to the GP twice

19-02-15, 21:57
try and trust in them then again i know its hard i never take on board what my docs say lol really hope the symptoms ease off for you