View Full Version : Living in constant fear...

18-02-15, 20:55
I don't know where I end or where I begin. I live in complete fear everyday that I have some terminal disease. What am I scared of? Dying? Living? Everyone dies. I won't escape it. But I want to live. I want to see my kids grow. I want to enjoy this beautiful world. I feel like I'm just getting by minute by minute. I wake up scared. I go to sleep scared. I can't even enjoy life.
Tomorrow I get results from my first round of testing and I'm scared out of my mind. What if it's bad news? How will I handle it?
I've been down this road before. But before I didnt have labs that were off. I wasnt 37. Now I'm older. I know things happen. To good people. To young people.
I wish I didn't have HA. It's an awful way to live.

Mrs worryworm
18-02-15, 21:10
Yip to all of the above. Feel the same. I feel like I'm
Wasting my precious time living by worrying about dying. We will all die eventually but how much of us have really lived? It's food for thought I wish I could leave my worries at the door and have a restful night sleep it's absolutely exhausting