View Full Version : Shaky breathing - is this common?

19-02-15, 02:41
I've been waking up with this strange symptom where my breath seems to shake or tremble. My mom said it's grief but seems like it's becoming very chronic for me.

It's not as noticeable when I inhale but on exhale it will sound choppy like someone's shaking me while I try to exhale.

Just figured I would ask if anyone else has had this :)

06-03-15, 13:25
I've not had it but I had a look around. Some people think asthma then find out it's "paradoxical vocal fold movement" which something that can cause "shaky breathing".

Doesn't sound scary but you should see a doctor, of course. :)

12-03-15, 12:26
If I breathe in as deeply as I can and fairly quickly, my breath gets shaky when my diaphragm expands fully. This only happens when I breathe quickly, I'm sitting poorly (bad posture) or I'm generally quite anxious, and always with deep diaphragmatic breathing. I've noticed that when I exercise, if I've been having the shaky breathing and then do some exercises that engage the stomach muscles (crunches or something) it goes away. Strange but true. I have asthma but it's very mild.

My mum gets this too occasionally and she says it's just a thing that happens sometimes. I guess if your breathing was always laboured or shaky and you felt short of breath it'd be worth getting it checked out, but maybe don't worry too much otherwise.

19-02-18, 13:49
Ever since I was attacked a couple months ago I notice that whenever I take deep breathes, I always shake as I exhale the air. I've never had anything like this, I won't even think I feel anxiety, but it is because this is my baseline now. I am hoping that through lots of self-care and taking things really slow, that maybe I can change that. When a deep breathe is taken, where the body expands to hold its contents, I think that is triggering a response with my nervous system. If I really slow the process down of exhaling in a super caring way, the shakes exhale leaves me. I stumbled across this posting when I was trying to seek comfort for lonely symptoms I was having and found it through reading other peoples experiences rendering some familiarity with my own. Thank you all for sharing.

Calvin Harris
27-02-18, 11:41
I gasp throughout the day

10-05-18, 06:27
As I kid this would happen to me after I cried. Now it happens a few times a day when I take deep breaths. It may have to do with any uneasy feelings such as anxiety, sadness, anger etc. I find that it does not happen when I'm calm.