View Full Version : I want to avoid googling. Maybe someone here can help..

19-02-15, 06:34
How common is pancreatic cancer in a 25 year old male?

I am having pain in the area of the pancreas tail (could be from shoveling snow) and loose stools/diarrhea which is yellowy (could be ibs/anxiety).

I just don't want to google because I know the first thing that will pop up is some 25 year old with my symptoms that is dying from it.

19-02-15, 08:36
It's good not to google. I know how you feel. See the dr if you have a change in bowel habits for 3 weeks? That's the usual advice for loose stools, even then it could be infection, especially given your age. Cancer is extremely rare in a 25 yr old. Pancreatic cancer is also very uncommon. Anxiety is difficult. I'm hoping to return to work soon , been off since before christmas with HA and depression.did a lot of googling, convinced myself I had lots of different cancers and was going to die. Meds help , counselling does a little. Time is the best healer.....good luck

19-02-15, 12:36
How common is pancreatic cancer in a 25 year old male?

I am having pain in the area of the pancreas tail (could be from shoveling snow) and loose stools/diarrhea which is yellowy (could be ibs/anxiety).

I just don't want to google because I know the first thing that will pop up is some 25 year old with my symptoms that is dying from it.

I believe you know full well that cancer (and especially pancreatic cancer) is extremely rare in 25 year olds. I also think you know that if you replace "could be" in your post to the word "is" you'll have an explanation to your symptoms and that would go a long way in talking back to your dragon.

Positive thoughts

19-02-15, 15:52
Don't google. You know that will make things worse.

You've explained your symptoms yourself. If they continue to worry you, pop and see your doctor.

Mrs worryworm
19-02-15, 17:14
Must be anxiety I gave the exact same symptoms and I'm a 30 year old woman

20-02-15, 23:23
I have had a colonoscopy in 2009 which led to a diagnosis of ibs. I also find that the area is tender to the touch so it is likely muscular.

I have a job which has me shoveling ice and snow with a pick axe and shovel for atleast 1 hour a day.

I feel like my journey from brain tumor to leukemia to lymphoma to bone cancer to liver disease to spleen issues to pancreatic cancer may be at an end.

I have been to the doctors 7 times and to an ophthalmologist. I am prescribed venlafaxine and clenazopam which I am taking religiously. I am no longer panicing, just obsessing... a little bit.

THERE IS A LIGHT!!! it has been a long 3 months and I am exhausted.

Keep "fighting the dragon" to everyone still stuck in this miserable mental illness. Despite me being across the ocean from most of you, I feel very connected to you.

Many of you have reassured me through the toughest times and I have tried to pay it forward and will continue to do so.

Thank you.