View Full Version : blood in dip stick test

19-02-15, 08:23

wanting to go to wee more frequently low belly pain so did dip stick test never had any infection but traces of blood.

looked up on internet it said that this is early stages of bladder cancer. So scared. Going to make appointment for doctor.

It seems that i always have blood traces on the dip stick last year i did one and it had traces of blood but turned out i started my period so i put it down to that. Now worrying it was not and i have had this traces of blood for over a year.

Please has anybody had blood traces on dipstick and its been ok.


---------- Post added at 08:23 ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 ----------


anybody had anything like this.

Going to docs tomorrow.


19-02-15, 17:30
I'm sorry, I've had no experience of this but what I would say is don't look things up on the internet! I have been told this so many times by my doctor, they link everything to cancer and most of the time it isn't, there are so many other things that it could be.

I would have thought that the last time you tested was your period, is there a possibility that it's your period again?

You're going to your doctor tomorrow, which is the right thing to do. Tell them your worries, they will understand.

19-02-15, 17:38

thanks for your reply. I should learn by my mistakes the internet always give worst it could be.

No its not my period this time got another two weeks to go.

Thanks again lorraine

19-02-15, 17:42
The internet is awful! I was getting stomach pains for months and had been told years ago by doctors that I suffer from IBS. Anyway, I looked up "stomach pains months" into Google and it comes up with this article about how a woman was suffering with stomach pains for months, she'd been to doctors and had been diagnosed with IBS but it turned out to be incurable ovarian cancer. So of course, that's what I convinced myself I had!

The internet is an awful place for people with health anxiety and you really can link any small thing with cancer but the chances are low and there are so many possibilities that your symptoms could be.

The way I try and see it now is that there's nothing I can do right now, you've booked a doctors appointment for tomorrow, there's nothing else you can do so try not to worry (I do know how hard it is to do) and go and see your doctor tomorrow.

20-02-15, 18:12

been to doctors. Did dipstick test in surgery again traces of blood no infection. Doc said that they do not investigate traces of blood only 30++ explained that i do always seem to have traces of blood and whenever i do a dipstick test and he said that its common and got sensitive bladder. He has given me a course of anti biotics said take tomorrow if no better. He said that it does not always show on dip stick if there is infection. He did a lady the other week had trace of blood no infection when he got it back from the lab it had every bacteria you could think of it it.

thanks for all you replies
