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View Full Version : I don't think I can cope with this any longer.

19-02-15, 13:29
Health anxiety is literally ruining my life to the point where I'm scared of everything now. I don't know how to cope with it any more. I'm starting counselling again next Tuesday which is great. But this will be the 3rd time in 5 years I'm having to re-start all over again. Once I finish counselling I'm usually okay and then about a year on I have a relapse because something happened and I haven't handled it very well.

I've felt so terrible since June. Since then, my anxiety has been so terrible to the point where there's something new every single day. And I'm sick to death of it. I just don't know how to cope with it any more. I can't be doing with another 5 years with this. I'm at university and obviously have more important things to worry about. The worst thing is i'm 18, going on 19 and you'd expect a teenager to be care free. But I never have been which hurts because I see all my friends doing these really cool things and I'm stuck at home worry not wanting to go out.

The latest thing is, I've had this dreaded cold for about 3 weeks and last night it got bad. I have this fear of my throat closing up so that I can't breath. It's silly but it petrifies me. My tonsils are swollen so I went to the doctors this morning. (I go every week with something new) And she said they're enlarged but nothing to worry about and it's not tonsillitis but it's just it feels like someone is constantly strangling me which is making me panic even more and I keep checking them every five minutes. There is plenty of room to breath but it just feels like I'm going to stop and it'll close completely when I'm asleep or something.

Reading that last paragraph back makes me realise how ridiculous I sound. I just don't know what to do with myself any more. I'm at breaking point with it. And I know, there's no point in going back the doctors considering I went today and if they looked again they'd probably say it was nothing. :weep:

19-02-15, 13:39
Hey hun, I'm feeling the same today.... I am really struggling and just want this all to end so I can be "normal" again..

I suffer with dizziness and I obsese over the fact there's something wrong with me.... A tiny head pain, or a bit of pressure sends me over the edge and I'm in full blown panic feeling like I'm about to die or collapse...

I start group therapy next week but I don't know if it will help.... I understand how you feel as I'm 26 and feel like I'm wasting my life away :(

19-02-15, 13:42
Hey hun, I'm feeling the same today.... I am really struggling and just want this all to end so I can be "normal" again..

I suffer with dizziness and I obsese over the fact there's something wrong with me.... A tiny head pain, or a bit of pressure sends me over the edge and I'm in full blown panic feeling like I'm about to die or collapse...

I start group therapy next week but I don't know if it will help.... I understand how you feel as I'm 26 and feel like I'm wasting my life away :(

I feel like that most days.. I just want to be "normal" it'd be great if I ever do become okay again :(

I used to get dizziness quite a lot and it's so scary so I understand why you obsess over it because I used to do the exact same, it's not nice at all. Hopefully this group therapy will give you all the help you need with it :)

19-02-15, 15:23
I have a couple of questions for you and anyone who feels the same way.

First off, if you're not in therapy why? And what is it going to take to get you to do so?

If you are in therapy, keep going. It takes work... hard work to get well and heal. It's not like a cold where you're sick for a couple of weeks, take some OTC meds and you're 100% back. It's like a serious physical illness that takes a lot of time to heal from.

The road to healing takes but a step and it's one step at a time. You can and will get better but you have to work at it.

Positive thoughts

19-02-15, 15:50
I have a couple of questions for you and anyone who feels the same way.

First off, if you're not in therapy why? And what is it going to take to get you to do so?

If you are in therapy, keep going. It takes work... hard work to get well and heal. It's not like a cold where you're sick for a couple of weeks, take some OTC meds and you're 100% back. It's like a serious physical illness that takes a lot of time to heal from.

The road to healing takes but a step and it's one step at a time. You can and will get better but you have to work at it.

Positive thoughts

I'm starting therapy again on Tuesday after about a year and a half of not having it as I improved massively but I've gone back to my old ways anxiety wise. It's taken until now for the doctors etc. to sort it. I went in September asking for help. It's a long waiting process unfortunately :(

20-02-15, 12:57
Hi miss worry how are you?. I see ya not to good how is the treatment going I was sposed to start this week my first consultation but they rung up and canceled on me which is disappointing waiting for then to ring me back x

20-02-15, 19:23
Hi miss worry how are you?. I see ya not to good how is the treatment going I was sposed to start this week my first consultation but they rung up and canceled on me which is disappointing waiting for then to ring me back x

Hey, I've calmed down a bit now, thankfully :) and I start it on Tuesday, looking forward to it considering I've been waiting since September.. and I've gotten worse so it's well needed. I hope they ring you back as soon as. It's not nice waiting around for something you need help with xx